Supposedly this is Nintendo's "Gran Turismo/Forza racing sim".
In before Nintendo fanboys have no problem whatsoever with this, yet cry over everything Sony (or MS) does :roll:
Sheep, are you guys ok with this? Are you going to buy it? Will you support a game that is a blatant "rippoff" of Gran Turismo and Forza?
Oh, its just competition? Well why wasnt it just competition when Sony makes a game to compete with Mario Kart (which theyve done before, Crash Team Racing) and Smash Bros? Why do you guys complain so much, then turn a blind eye to Nintendo doing the EXACT same thing you cried about in the first place? :?
Yea because Sony and MS created the racing sim.......Nintendo did however create motion controllers and almost every butoon on modern controllers....kthx bye.
If you werent such a dillusional Nintendo fanboy you would realize that Nintendo didnt do ANY of what you said. Sony however, DID create the DRIVING SIMULATOR genre. Not arcade racers, I.E. Need for speed, dirt, blur, burnout, etc...
And Nintendo created motion controll, and every button on the modern controller? So thats why every modern controller for the past 14 years is DIRECTLY based off of the 10 button DUAL ANALOG layout pioneered by the Dualshock on PSone ;). You know, the same layout that both Microsoft AND Nintendo copied, and that Nintendo is returning to with the Wii U?
What about Dual shoulder buttons, L2/R2 (which gamecube didnt have) L3/R3 (which gamecube also didnt have). And please dont say Nintendo invented the analog stick. Sony DID invent dual analog however. ;)
Also, Motion control has been around since the PSone days. There are PC controllers with it as well since like 97. Wii mote wasnt the first motion controller.
Like I said, typical Nintendo fanboy who thinks Nintendo invented gaming. What else are you going to say, Nintendo invented the D pad?
You're joking about Sony creating racing simulator genre, right? Here is Hard Driving, a racing simulator from 1988:
DualShock is a combination of the SNES gamepad (button layout, shoulder buttons) and N64 gamepad (analog sticks, rumble). It was a successful design but it was clearly made after Nintendo gamepads.
N64 was the console to make analog sticks popular.
Also Sega had motion controlls before Sony did.
And yes, D-pad is Nintendo's invention! :x
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