@R4gn4r0k: To give you a solid answer as I've locked in 8 hours, as far as bugs, glitches, and just general performance...it's pretty solid on the PC side. I've experience memory leak after playing like 3 hours and when it happens, I had to exist the game and launch again to get things back to normal, but that's to be expected for a heavy RT game.
Some gamers might not like how the game works, but it does work if you catch my drift. I've had a few very small issues like, getting stuck in the environment for a few seconds, not being able to immediately call my speeder, Nix not doing the thing I tell him to do. 1 crash, that's my own experience. When it comes to stealth and climbing, it’s just ok but blend and nothing like AC stealth style here and could have been so much better. Uncharted 4 had better stealth than Outlaws is doing. Upgrading my blaster pistol, ship, and speeder is blend but that's to be expected for an open-world Star Wars game.
Flying your own ship and taking off into Hyperdrive from traveling places is cool but nowhere near the level of No Man's Sky mechanics. But way better than Starfield's ship gameplay without the in/out loading screen flashing. Rendering the loading screen behind the game is a smart move. Star Wars: Outlaws is best when it gets out of its own way and lets you do what you want when you want. The main story missions are where all the story comes from but they tend to be kind of average. Getting into giant space battles and stealing imperial goodies is more fun. I'm trying to stay on the good side with the Crimson Dawn, Hutt Cartel, and Pyke Syndicate.
Edit: I'm playing this through Ubisoft+ sub.
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