I will not even DARE announce the game. But where is it available you ask? THE MAC I have close ties with industry professional developers, and rumors are a new game will hit shelves this december. Photo-realistic. Completely Art-driven (like every other cool thing on the mac!) No BOOORING business applications (YAY ANOTHER SCORE FOR MAC) and the best part!? EVERYTHING IN THE GAME IS WHITE! why worry about STUPID colors!?, if you make something white, and make it overpriced, and act like it's a "Peoples" PC, IT'LL SELL! ofcourse it wont sell as much as Windows but CMON WHO NEEDS WINDOWS WHEN YOU GOT AWESOME VIDEO EDITOR #3! so act now, before you miss on the ultimate, non-upgradeable (because there's obviously no need toooo!!!), ULTIMATE USER-FRIENDLY PACKAGE of a brand new MAC computer, with that new game launching THIS DECEMBER.
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