This far into the lives of the 360, PS3 and Wii most things about the console wars are clear. As such, the following are my awards:
Buy Now Headache Later: 360>Wii>PS3. Should I even explain? Nothing gives a gamer more headache than not being able to play games because of a faulty console. The 360's reliablity problems makes this award obvious. Wii's battery hungry controllers can cause a little headache when you run out of batteries in your house.
Pay Now Pay Later: 360>Wii>PS3. Because of LIVE fees, the 360 is the only console that consistently makes you pay money even if you don't play games. Also, dealing with the Red Ring of Death, you pay with your time while having to wait for Microsoft to fix your console. After 3 years, should you get RROD, you might be forced to pay for repairs or buy a new console. The Wii comes next because, like the 360, sooner or later most gamers will have to buy an HD TV and adopt the next generation movie format, Blu-ray.
Most evil gaming company: Microsoft>Sony=Nintendo.Microsoft has done the most harm to their customers who paid dearly for buying an HD DVD add-on and for being mislead about the 360's reliability issues. The sad part is Microsoft still officially believes the 360's failurate is between 3-5%. On top of it all, Microsfoft is most guilty of charging high prices for add-ons that should be standard in the first place: hard drives and Wireless.
Projected Winner of the Console War: PS3>Wii>360. 2012, the PS3 and Wii will sell over 100 million. The 360? A pitiful 40 million units. Reliabilty problems plus the 360's woes in Japan and Europe despite price cuts say it all.
Most Powerful: PS3 >360>Wii. This is obvious.
Best Graphics: PS3>360>Wii. The 1st year head start of the 360, initial difficulty in programming for the PS3, fanyboy biases has made this award a bit controversial. Read the previews and reviews of 2008 games for the PS3 vs. 360. More often, the PS3 is associated with words such as movie-like, best animation, realistic, most multiplayers in a game, graphics that cannot be done on other consoles, less loading time during gameplay, etc. Give up, fanboys, starting 2008, the PS3 games generally look better or play better because of the PS3's cell, standard hard-drive, and Blu-ray diskspace.
Best Sound: PS3>360>Wii.This is obvious. The PS3's Blu-ray disk has enough space for all the space-hogging soundfiles.
Best use of an HD TV: PS3>360>Wii. By far the console to bring out the best of that wonderful new HD TV in your home is the PS3 because of it's cell processor and its free built-in Blu-ray player.
Best console for spending romantic time with a girl: PS3>Wii>360.Cuddling with your girl while watching a Blu-ray movie in your home can be more enjoyable than even playing games. Surely, you can cuddle with your girl over a regular DVD movie as well...but why let the girl you love experience last-gen movies when you can do so with Blu-ray versions? The Wii is at least better than the 360 in this respect, because females like the Wii the most for gaming purposes.
Best multiplayer: Wii>360>PS3. Wii has a lot of the most party games, and it's casual friendly and intuitive gameplay allows the Wii to to bring out the most smiles and laughter in the living rooms all over the world. Look for the PS3 to really improve in this area big time by the end of 2008.
Best Online: 360>PS3>Wii.Let it be known, though, the 360 will cost you 250 dollars in 5 years. While the PS3's free online is currently not as good, it is definitely more than good enough to play online mulitplayer games. Look for Resistance 2 to make some noise in online multiplayer this year. With PS3 HOME coming out later, the Playstation network should make LIVE fees seem more and more ridiculous. The Wii...I don't get it. The friend code system just sucks.
Best games in 2006-2007: 360>Wii>PS3. One year head start had given the 360 a significant advantage during those years. However, this advantage has ended becasue....(See next award)
Best games in 2008:PS3>Wii>360.This year's most realistic (Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue), most movie-like (Metal Gear Solid 4), Biggest multiplayer (Resistance 2) and most innovative (Little Big Planet) are found on the PS3. It should be noted, too, that according to IGN, the PS3's version of Grand-Theft Auto plays better than the 360 version because of the faster loading and other reasons. I place the Wii before the 360 because of Wii Fit alone. Thanks Nintendo for making gamers the world over look a little less fat.
Most Improved: PS3> Wii=360.This is obvious. The PS3 starts out slowest but has improved very much in jus about every aspect: graphics, console & game sales, online, price, etc.
Most future-proof console: PS3>360=Wii. The PS3 is making the 360 looking older and older. Graphics on the 360 does not seem to improve that much. Blu-ray disk space gives developers plenty of room to add graphics and sound.
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