I don't play games on a PC. In fact, I HATE gaming on a PC - and to be honest I don't understand why anyone would play games on a PC unless they are some weird hermit-type person. That being said...
Any gamer who think console games will look better than PC games has some serious issues. It's impossible - PC games will alwayslook the best because the best PCs can constantly be upgraded to the best hardware, whereas consoles are stuck as-is from the day they are released. Literally, if the fastest gaming PCs aren't ahead of consoles on the day the consoles are released; then they will surpass them within a few months.
It's pretty much an extension of Moore's Law.
Why is PC gaming weirder than consoles? You cant understand that some people prefer better graphics, performance, modding, more input options, more exlucives, more games, cheaper, games, etc etc etc......you dont see why someone would prefer that? really? Funny you have a Quake 3 icon, a game born for the PC lol.
Good grief... I do not feel like debating the merits of sitting in a little room at a desk playing video games on a keyboard.
And yes, I have a Quake 3 icon. Just because I don't like to game on a PC doesn't mean that I will never do so if a game I like is on it. But, that doesn't mean that I "prefer" that medium.
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