what's hurting (not killing) PC gaming is..... portable computing. Yes portable computing, not the consoles. PC gaming will survive, it won't die, but without a doubt it is being hurt. And it is my firm belief that it's portable computing that's hurting PC gaming.
ok so what do I mean by portable computing?
well if I remember correctly in 2008 laptop sales overtook desktop sales for the first time and hasn't looked back. developments in technology has lead to portable devices undertaking more and more of what the traditional desktop has done including gaming.
by portable computing I mean:
Laptops- cheaper and more popular than ever. sales have overtaken desktops.
Netbooks - ultra cheap & portable laptops that sacrifice technology for size and battery life.
Smartphones - iPhone, Android
Portable Media players - iTouch etc
Over the last 5 years these have all rocketed and that is bound to have an impact on the desktop market. gone are the days people will shell out huge sums on a desktop. they've got a laptop/netbook and a smartphone. that's where their websurfing, content consuming and crucially 'lite gaming' comes from.
While consoles like PS3 and X360 have been blamed for harming computer gaming- I believe that the desktop which is undeniably the home of computer gaming has been more undermined by the development of portable computing.
most laptops are virtually useless for gaming as are all netbooks. unless of course you are after 'lite' gaming such as flash games.
the rise of smartphones which is predicted to hurt consoles the 3DS is infact hurting PC gaming also not because the games directly compete with the likes of top PC titles but because more time spent on a smartphone is less on a computer.
the rise of apps and games is making the digital content world a crowded market, a market that sees casuals drift away from PC gaming. If people ARE buying desktops these days its the usual horror stories- budget systems chained to IE and Word or worse still the bog standard systems retailers sell that have decent CPUs and RAM handicapped by weak or worse integrated graphics!!!
gone are the days little Johnny could persuadis mom to buy him a $1000+ desktop for 'school work' (which he would use mostly for gaming). now he might get a budget desktop or more likely a laptop that's of little use to PC gaming. he's got his smartphone, iPod or whatever. and Yes he probly does have a console.
the Problem with PC gaming that the portable world has caught up with it. Of course PC gaming won't die, it's just gotta learn to live in an ever more crowded market. a Market out there where most Windows systems are probably not being used for serious gaming.
There is a plus side to all of this however: This leaves more room for the enthusiasts and you get less problems of having to deal with casuals like you do on the consoles.
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