Has this occurred to anyone else? Although right now PC gaming definitely has it's flaws, if somehow there were no more consoles gaming could adjust and be better than ever? Think about it, the system has incredible potential to fulfill everything that current consoles are doing. As for the price they would simply start making PC parts that do nothing but play games for those who can't afford to buy a supercomputer for thousands of dollars. No more having to buy new consoles or controllers, if you want a certain game you just buy a new part and pop into your gaming PC. These gaming PCs would be like consoles except that everyone would have theirs built exactly how they want it. And the problem of a monopoly could be easily solved if Apple got serious on the matter. I'm not saying I necessarily want this to happen or that PCs are currently the best system, I'm just saying that they certainly have the potential to be amazing in the absence of consoles.
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