Exhibit A:
Half Life 2 on PC: 9.2
Half Life 2 on XBox: 8.4 or something like that. Not AAA, though.
Exhibit B:
FEAR on PC: 9.1
FEAR on XBox 360 and PS3: A an AA scores.
Exhibit C:
Universe at War on PC: 7.5
Universe at War on 360: 6.5
LOL! This is absolutely HILARIOUS! Half Life 2 got a 9.2 in 2004 on PC... Imagine if it was 2008 and it was on the 360, what it would get! :D Halo 3, in 2007, got a 9.5 on the 360!
So basically, consoles own the PC. On top of that, the PC has been around for years and has no AAAAE.
Nintendo 64, PS1, PS2, and DreamCast all have at least one AAAAE, and they're lifespan was incredibly short compared to PC's. PC has been around since, what, ever, and it's highest rated game is only a 9.5, I think. If it's not, it still doesn't have a 10.
I'd rather eat poo than play any of the crap games on PC. :D
Note: ***I couldn't think of a good reference to poo because my brother kicked me in the head today. Sorry.***
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