@MK-Professor said:
Despite his age Stalker modded looks good for today standards. And Killzone Shadow Fall and Second Son don't looks as good as Stalker modded running at 2560x1440@60fps on my pc. Sorry buy I am not used to play games with low rez, 30fps, imprecise and unresponsive controls, and small FOV (aka console games)
It's a real shame then you'll never be able to have a normal discussion with someone because of your pride and fanboyism. With mods Stalker really comes alive with great weather and lighting effects but I am sorry, it does not even come close to Killzone Shadow Fall or Infamous Second Son.
Sure it may look good in today's standards with mods, but to say it looks better than anything the PS4 has to offer? Do you really believe the things you say sometimes. You know what? I'm a really easy going guy, I know a gaming PC kicks ass which is why I have one, I'll never deny it's superiority but I can't stand when someone denies the facts and can't see logic.
I'm going to have to ask you for screenshots from in-game on your PC, I'd like to see an example of this Stalker you're running. Let your actions speak louder than words because I'd bet my life on it there is no way Stalker with mods looks better than those two PS4 games I mentioned.
Edit: Just look in this thread on System Wars, it's a guy that took some in-game screenshots using photo mode, how in the hell does Stalker look better than that, my good friend?
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