So I just got a nice check today and well I decided to roam the internet for a good price on a Wii...to my surprise I was able to find one for 130 bucks on ebay
It's missing the Stand and a Nunchuck...so I just finished buying a new nunchuck for 10 bucks and SMG for 26 on Amazon....so the grand total has come out to 176 with tax and shipping...oh snap! :D
So if everything goes good I should officially be a Wii Owner soon :twisted:
So for awhile now I've been going on about how I feel Nintendo hasn't done enough to warrant a purchase from me or most gamers in general but I sit here today thinking to myself how nicely a Wii would compliment my PS3 and 360....How did this come about?
Well I've owned a 360 since January of this year, and even though it's a great system it just doesn't compliment my PS3 all too well. The two systems offer far too similar experiences which leads to me playing one system 90% of the time while the other gets about 10.
Now I'm not hinting at the idea of selling my 360, heck no...with games like Forza 3, and Splinter Cell Conviction coming I'd be pretty upset at the thought of not being able to play those games day one. On top of that, like I said earlier it's a great system and now that I've had one for awhile I can't picture myself without it.
What I find funny about the whole situation though is what made me shy away from the Wii in the first place is what has me contemplating on getting one now. All the family friendly tape games, and unique titles, and the motion controls that I don't want either Sony or MS toying with all have me wanting to get one....but the main reason would probably be this guy...
So yea all in all you guys might have a new Wii user roaming the SWs board come September 1rst. :)
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