Play it now! (flash)
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-shakes head-
Why not create a healthy game like...Cooking Mama: Vegan Edition? Noooo, PETA wants controversy! And controversy is fine, just not when it involves overreacting over a video game. Do you see human rights activists creating games called Call of Duty: Your Son is a Filthy Murderer?Â
Was I supposed to be effected by that? Maybe I'm just insensitive, and maybe I don't care enough about how turkeys are treated post-slaughter, but that really didn't get to me. If PETA was trying to discourage me from eating turkeys, than they did a poor job.agentfredPutting Tofu on my turkey worked though. Ugh.
[QUOTE="agentfred"]Was I supposed to be effected by that? Maybe I'm just insensitive, and maybe I don't care enough about how turkeys are treated post-slaughter, but that really didn't get to me. If PETA was trying to discourage me from eating turkeys, than they did a poor job.loco145Putting Tofu on my turkey worked though. Ugh.
I can't help but chuckle every time I hear them suggest eating a tofu-turkey.
Maybe because it's such a joke. ;)
This is great, I hope a) Nintendo take them to court and b) some parents take them to court for disturbing their children which found the game. I only played two levels but I think kids should learn stuff like that anyway, everybody should know how to kill, skin/pluck and gut animals, its basic survival info.SapSacPrime:lol:
If society ever collapses, or I'm stuck in the wilderness, I think I'd rather be a hunter, than a gatherer. I'd much rather learn how to prepare animals than how to eat berries.
I guess this (combined with the messed up videos they showed after each segment) is supposed to discourage me from eating meat and meat byproducts? :?
If that was their intention, then they've failed miserably. I'm not eating a Tofu turkey this holiday season. I'll be eating a real one. This borderline fanatical attempt to get me to go vegetarian isn't going to work. If anything, it makes me want to speak out against PETA for this kind of crap.
Yes this is what i hate about them, it seems eating animals is like the worst thing everI guess this (combined with the messed up videos they showed after each segment) is supposed to discourage me from eating meat and meat byproducts? :?
If that was their intention, then they've failed miserably. I'm not eating a Tofu turkey this holiday season. I'll be eating a real one. This borderline fanatical attempt to get me to go vegetarian isn't going to work. If anything, it makes me want to speak out against PETA for this kind of crap.
Many people would support their cause if they did not demonise meat-eaters so much
I agree, the game is actually getting me excited for Thanksgiving and I mean, come on PETA...this...
or this...?
Way to convince us evil meat-eaters, PETA. :P
That was disgusting. Tofu turkey? How horrible! Though it did make me want to have a turkey sandwich, anyone with me? Take the pledge to be carnivore and proud!WasntAvailable
:lol: It's funny you should mention that because that game made me want a turkey sandwich too!
A nice big one with lettuce, tomatoes, and a little bacon...mmmm bacon...
[QUOTE="WasntAvailable"]That was disgusting. Tofu turkey? How horrible! Though it did make me want to have a turkey sandwich, anyone with me? Take the pledge to be carnivore and proud!The_Game21x
:lol: It's funny you should mention that because that game made me want a turkey sandwich too!
A nice big one with lettuce, tomatoes, and a little bacon...mmmm bacon...
It would be hysterical if someone did a counter flash game to this, that had you cooking with wierd looking vegtables and fungui, with names like "Steak" and "Bacon", and then at the end let you slice off some delcious turkey and place it in a sandwich. If only I knew how :/.
Peta are a bunch of terrorist-funding hypocrit A-holes. Watch Pen and Teller's show about them if you don't believe me.
I personally love my parents and eating meat, and I think that their "your mom kills animals" campaign is a despicable attempt to poison children against their parents and draw them into Peta's cult of insanity These people think that slavery in the United States and the holocaust during World War 2 are morally equivelant to how we raise animals for meat. I vote we ship them all down to Guantanimo Bay with the rest of the terrorists! :evil:
I do not like when people are cruel towards animals, however any laws regarding animal cruelty have to be against the cruel behavior itself, not extending rights to the animals. As soon as we start giving animals rights, then that opens the door for a whole mess of problems that I will not tolerate. If it comes down to not being able to eat meat, I will buy a rifle and hunt for it just like my ancestors. It will be a sad day for America if I one day have to break the law to feed my family. :?
Peta will never convert me. My saying is "The lord gave me _____ to eat!" and eat I shall! :DI guess this (combined with the messed up videos they showed after each segment) is supposed to discourage me from eating meat and meat byproducts? :?
If that was their intention, then they've failed miserably. I'm not eating a Tofu turkey this holiday season. I'll be eating a real one. This borderline fanatical attempt to get me to go vegetarian isn't going to work. If anything, it makes me want to speak out against PETA for this kind of crap.
Seriously though, I will eat my food and not constrict myself. >_> I have to agree with ya though on speaking out too.Â
By the way, here are some delicious pictures of meat for everyone's enjoyment.
BTW, make sure you save room for desert, which is probably full of animal products like milk, butter and eggs!
I DARE those food terrorists at Peta to try and take all this away!
The neck doesn't get eaten, it's usually just cooked with things to give off flavor. In my family, we usually cook sauerkraut with the turkey neck. It's delicious, but unfortunately I'll have to wait until Christmas for it this year since I can only afford to fly home for one holiday right now. :(
[QUOTE="kyacat"][QUOTE="dylanmcc"]Hahaha, very nice.
Peta are awesome.
No they aren't especially when they kill cats and dogs.
When has PETA ever stood for killing cats and dogs?Â
Peta does animal adoption drives, but they kill all the animals that don't get adopted. One year they took in over 3,000 stray cats and dogs, and only found homes for 900 of them. I am not against euthenizing stray animals even though it's sad (which is why I think people should be adopted), but given PETA's rabid (no pun intended) stance against animal shelters that euthenize stray animals, it's extremely hypocritical of them to be doing it themselves, especially in such large numbers.
Boo hoo.... I eat meat. If PETA wants to complain about me eating turkey, chicken, deer, or anything else... they can cry until the sun comes up. I can understand the cruel treatment of animals in a different situation, but things you eat? Wow.
Tofu. /shiver
I'll add this, too. I have hunted, killed, skinned, and eaten my share of deer. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that, either. I skin them, and use every single piece of meat possible from their carcass, and waste nothing. Where the cruelty part would come in, are these hunters that will kill a buck, saw off its antlers, and leave the carcass in a ditch somewhere. That makes my blood boil. :evil:
I eat meat, howeverI still cringe at the thought as to what goes into its preparation. How hard would it be to treat them more humanely when they slaughter them?Hot_Potato
Thank you.. and this is the point that so many people neglect when they talk $#*& about PETA.
I eat meat, howeverI still cringe at the thought as to what goes into its preparation. How hard would it be to treat them more humanely when they slaughter them?Hot_Potato
:lol: I'm sure that last baby lamb really apreciated it's last cuddle before it had it's throat brutally slit. Seriously, no matter how humanely you treat them, at the end of the day they end up dead. PETA wan't people to stop eating meat all together, and they are complete morons. So what? We stop eating meat so that the world has a even lower supply of sustainable food sources? Good one. I feel quite comfortable in eating meat, because I know for a fact these animals would try and eat me if they could.
[QUOTE="Hot_Potato"]I eat meat, howeverI still cringe at the thought as to what goes into its preparation. How hard would it be to treat them more humanely when they slaughter them?MyopicCanadian
Thank you.. and this is the point that so many people neglect when they talk $#*& about PETA.
Why wouldn't I neglect the fact they want to "humanely" kill something when they do things like endanger human lives, harass pounds and kennels while simultaneously euthanizing thousands of animals, wish to prevent me from having pets, eating meat, and when their founder wants to have her flesh served at a BBQ, her skin made into wallets, and her feet into elephant stands? The oxymoronic "humane-killing" goal they have means nothing when there are oh so many other things wrong and outright depraved about the organization.
What about all those poor defenceless vegetables those bastards must slaughter every meal time? WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE VEGETABLES!!BZSIN
I eat meat, howeverI still cringe at the thought as to what goes into its preparation. How hard would it be to treat them more humanely when they slaughter them?Hot_Potato
Looks like this story has made it to Gamespot's front page, too. I'd say that Majesco should sue PETA (it's always satasfying to see them lose their ill-gotten money), but really that would only give them the attention they crave, and likely rally more vegeterrorists to their cause. I think that Majesco's official repsons (in character as Cooking Mama herself) was much classier, and shows how stupid PETA is in their overreactions.
"World Kitchen includes more than 25 vegetarian-friendly recipes including delicious breakfast, dinner, dessert, and snack options. I would never put rat in my Ratatouille. Like any accomplished cook, I create my recipes to appeal to a broad range of tastes and preferences. My only goal is to ensure you leave the table well fed."
Take that PETA, you just got pwnd by a cutesy little sexual stereotype! :D
what's funny though is that this game is probably better then the cooking mama.... and it's free :Dst1ka
Any game who's climax is preparing a Tofurky Thanksgiving dinner is not a game worth my time. :|
Fact 1: meat is good for you
Fact 2: meat tastes good
Fact 3: a cow does not care if you eat it
Fact 4: tofu tastes like styrofoam
[QUOTE="st1ka"]what's funny though is that this game is probably better then the cooking mama.... and it's free :DTimstuff
Any game who's climax is preparing a Tofurky Thanksgiving dinner is not a game worth my time. :|
Fact 1: meat is good for you
Fact 2: meat tastes good
Fact 3: a cow does not care if you eat it
Fact 4: tofu tastes like styrofoam
Kind of Fact 1: Meat is nessecary for survival!
Kind of Fact 2: Meat is an amazing taste explosion of carnivoric glory!
Kind of Fact 3: Cows like to be eaten, it shows you appreciate them!
Kind of Fact 4: Tofu is posionous!
There are few things I despise more than PETA fanatics. Bloody lunatics value animal lives over human lives.Verge_6
We are animals too... :|
Anyways Majesco should sue their asses for copyright infrigement and "damages" caused to their advertising campaigns.
Peta is just pathetic. I mean instead of trying to turn everyone into a vegen they should put all that into trying to find a more humane way to kill animals and trying to stop possible abuse or at least make sure that before it is thrown in a grinder the animal is actually dead.  Why don't they think of this, lets say hypotheothically if everyone was to stop eating meat whats going to happen to all the animals. Farmers would stop caring for them because they won't get any profit, zoos/shelters won't take them because thats way to much animals and they are extremely common unlike lions, tigers, bears oh my. :P And there is no way people are going to want their tax money used to create some type of utopia for these animals like Yellow Stone Park. And we can't just let them roam freely because... well you see the implications with that.
Then there is the whole point of everyone eating veggies, fish, etc. We would have to use more land to grow crops for people meaning that we might have to clear forest to be able to cultivate the land, which in turn cause animals to lose there homes. Due to water pollution mecury content of fish has gone up and also over fishing may occur to meet demands (and aren't fish technically animals anyway). Three drug companies would prosper because everyone would need to get supplements and such to meet normal dietery needs and lets be honest the drug companies would take a huge advantage of us if we "had" to rely on them. Â
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