[QUOTE="MyopicCanadian"][QUOTE="Hot_Potato"]I eat meat, howeverI still cringe at the thought as to what goes into its preparation. How hard would it be to treat them more humanely when they slaughter them?TreyoftheDead
Thank you.. and this is the point that so many people neglect when they talk $#*& about PETA.
So wait...you support them?
Listen, no one here would pass up the chance to have animals killed more humanely. The problem is the way PETA conducts business, which includes under the table funding of domestic terrorist groups life ALF. I have a vegan friend and guess what? She even hates PETA. Face it, they are a shady organization and depsite their "worthy goal" they deserve to have people talk **** about them.
They have a right to be vegan, just like I have a right to bite down into the tasty flesh of cows...they need to remember that and stop trying to make me feel like the most evil person in the world for eating and enjoying a hamburger. Not that it works. ;)
Exactly. There are many watchdog groups who oppose animal cruelty, and do so in a dignified way. However, the founder of PETA herself said that the goal of her organization is the total liberation of all animals. While other groups merely focus on preventing animal abuse, PETA does not want you to eat meat, eggs, dairy, honey, or any other animal product, nor do they want you wearing fur or leather, or taking medicine that was developed through animal research. They would rather see people DIE of preventable diseases than to have one lab rat harmed in an experiment! PETA are a bunch of sickos who simply feed on the fact that some people have a stronger reaction to violence against animals than violence against people. When a bunch of dumb teenagers broke into a house and killed the family's cat by putting it in a microwave, the reaction I saw from people was "OMG those kids are so evil they should be given the death penalty!" and yet when a woman the is raped and beaten to death by a mugger in an alley (which happesn FAR more often than it should), these same people will just say "wow, the world is a rough place" and that's all. PETA attracts people who care MORE about animals than they do their fellow human beings, and that is all there is to it.
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