Well I guess that depends on your definition of decent.
As an example 2 90+ games on Metacritic and one 80+ is what I would consider decent.
3 games at around 70 however isn't.
Considering that I don't put any stock in review scores since they don't affect my enjoyment or opinions on games, that doesn't mean anything to me.
I'm sure Sony like any company would like their games all to be 90+ Metacritic games. I however, don't work for them.
Since you're going on scores 70 means a "good game" to alot of reviewers. For a decent year yes, 3 games at the level is fine. If you're talking about a great or amazing year then multiple games scoring 80-90+ is necessary.
Could've fooled me with this all this damage control.
Okay, glad to have fooled you.
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