Actually FFXII attracted a lot of hate even before FFXIII was announced to be multi-platform, due to it's combat system and story. In fact FFX-2 wasn't well received either. People are not turning away from $quare Enix because they are releasing games for Xbox, they are turning away from $quare Enix because they are not happy with what $quare Enix are releasing.
I loved playing FFXII, but after playing Oblivion, I am beginning to see certain areas where $quare Enix are falling below standard. I am likely to be more critical of FFXIII than previous installments.
However, since $quare Enix has decided that it is perfectly acceptable for me to wait for this game to be ported to Xbox before releasing the European PS3 version, I will be waiting until a couple of months after release and picking up a second hand copy. $quare Enix do seem to be crapping on their PS3 fans, which is something that I'm not willing to buy into.
As for WKC, it is a good looking game that looks like it is not too far from release, of course it's beginning to attract more attention than a game that still might not be out before 2010 outside of Japan.
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