was an okay post until he said halo would have sold 35 million or whatever on ps2
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="tegovoltio"][QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="tegovoltio"]Even if that's true, I could care less, but I see a lot of MGS fan so if I go by that your numbers mean less.tegovoltio
i think theres just a larger percentage of MGS nerds online to be honest. most people i know aren't too familiar with the game or even know its coming for PS3 --- the people i know that are looking forward to it are people i know that have had wetdreams over this game since PS1. trust me, mgs is not a system seller. if it was the psp would be doing better, lmao.
So my firends don't count then? Because thye like MGS too. and many are casuals
according to the stats the TC posted -- no, no they don't. if you'd read it you would have realized that and wouldn't have just posted that question ;) MGS is a kids game, like it or not. it doesn't require any real gaming skills, its usually 'rail play' so it's all pre-determined to a large extent, and the bosses are usually laughable as is the story. i'm sorry, but MGS is for the most part a nerd game -- your friends might be casuals, but whether or not you'll admit it, they're also nerds :)
edit - im not slamming kid games, i own a wii, i like mario games, etc. its just that im close to 30, i know an assload of gamers - some of which actually write the reviews you guys argue about, and none of them are hardcore mgs fans. the only hardcore mgs fan i know runs a comic book store - not that there's anything wrong with that ;) just sayin.
Ok I guess me my friends and MGS fans are nerd kids. I have fun with it and like the plot and everything else so if that means I'm in that category to you so be it.
You know all that is not true though.Â
im a nerd - i just dont like mgs, i find it hokey and poorly written, to each his own though eh? it doesnt mean i disrespect you for liking it. im sure i like plenty of things that you'd find personally embarassing. tis the nature of existence. fact is you are part of a minority with your friends, mgs is not a major system seller (if TC is to be believed, or his source).
[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"]Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.Â
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.Â
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.Â
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.Â
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable. Â
Whatever...I'm just using statistics based on the info I had at my disposal. Attach rate statistics. And, sure...maybe I sound ridiculous with that part you bolded. However, PS2 is the best selling console ever with 111.25 million sold. Halo, SSBM outsold MGS2...the highest selling MGS game. GC only sold 21 million, Xbox 24 million. OK...so maybe Halo and Halo 2 wouldn't have sold as much as I claimed it would if Xbox had sold as much as PS2...But it would have sold more than it has sold now, that's for sure.Â
Your reasoning BTW is just as faulty as you claim mine to be. You are basically saying "Attach rates mean nothing".Â
Ok, so you're saying that a game that sold 2 million on PS2 is just as impressive as a game that sold 2 million on Xbox even though there are 4.51 times more PS2s than Xboxes? IMO....More consoles in more homes = more potential for a game to sell better then less consoles in less homes.Â
im a nerd - i just dont like mgs, i find it hokey and poorly written, to each his own though eh? it doesnt mean i disrespect you for liking it. im sure i like plenty of things that you'd find personally embarassing. tis the nature of existence. fact is you are part of a minority with your friends, mgs is not a major system seller (if TC is to be believed, or his source).
I understand you don't like MGS but if you feel that way about MGS I wonder what you'd say about system sellers that are crap and great games that get under the radar.Â
any multi million seller is considered popular
do you realize how few games even sell 1 million copies ???????????????
 Read Electronic Arts 2006 Annual Report, they had 27 games sell over 1 million units world wide.Â
was an okay post until he said halo would have sold 35 million or whatever on ps2
That may sound ridiculous...but blame the attach rate stats. PS2 sold 4.51 times more than Xbox did. Do the math. My math is not faulty. The attach rate stats are not faulty.  If my original post is completely owned, then statistics in general are completely owned. All I did in my original post was use math. THAT IS IT! And the math isn't wrong.Â
Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega saturn sold 1.92 million on sega saturn
Seeing how ps2 sold 10 timse as much as sega saturn
Virtua FIghter 2 would have sold 19.2 million on ps2.
Okay you cant compare a system that sold 110 million to one that sold 30 million with less quality titlesspringz300
Yet, GTA: SA still sold 14.88 million and is number 11 on the alltime list. PS2 had tons of quality titles, no doubt.Â
The math says that 1 GTA:SA sold for 7 PS2s (when rounded)
Gran Turismo 3 almost sold as much as San Andreas.Â
The math says that 1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s.Â
So, there you have it. GTA:SA is the "Halo 2" of the PS2. So, even with all the quality PS2 titles, GTA:SA sold 1 for 7.Â
If people want a game, they will buy it. It doesn't matter if there is 1000 PS2 games vs. 500 on Xbox (random numbers)...If people want a game, they will buy it. Do you REALLY THINK HALO 2 WOULD NOT HAVE SOLD AS WELL if Xbox had 3 times more titles on it when Halo 2 debuted. OH NOEZ! All the titles to choose from! Too many games! Can't decide! Come on now...If you want a game badly enough, you buy it period! It doesn't matter if Console A has 100 titles and Console B has 500 titles. You still buy the game you want the most at the time. And GTA:SA proves this for PS2. The attach rate is VERY HIGH for this title.Â
BTW...Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo is way more popular than MGS franchise on PS2.Â
Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega saturn sold 1.92 million on sega saturn
Seeing how ps2 sold 10 timse as much as sega saturn
Virtua FIghter 2 would have sold 19.2 million on ps2.
Virtua Fighter 2 also came with the Saturn for awhile. I'm trying not to include games that came with the console. I do admit that would be unfair. Super Mario Bros. sold like 40 million, but it came bundled with NES for most of NES life span. I'm trying not to use "free" games that came with the consoles sold.
Whatever...I'm just using statistics based on the info I had at my disposal. Attach rate statistics. And, sure...maybe I sound ridiculous with that part you bolded. However, PS2 is the best selling console ever with 111.25 million sold. Halo, SSBM outsold MGS2...the highest selling MGS game. GC only sold 21 million, Xbox 24 million. OK...so maybe Halo and Halo 2 wouldn't have sold as much as I claimed it would if Xbox had sold as much as PS2...But it would have sold more than it has sold now, that's for sure.Â
Your reasoning BTW is just as faulty as you claim mine to be. You are basically saying "Attach rates mean nothing".Â
Ok, so you're saying that a game that sold 2 million on PS2 is just as impressive as a game that sold 2 million on Xbox even though there are 4.51 times more PS2s than Xboxes? IMO....More consoles in more homes = more potential for a game to sell better then less consoles in less homes.Â
[QUOTE="drsports1980"]Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega saturn sold 1.92 million on sega saturn
Seeing how ps2 sold 10 timse as much as sega saturn
Virtua FIghter 2 would have sold 19.2 million on ps2.
Virtua Fighter 2 also came with the Saturn for awhile. I'm trying not to include games that came with the console. I do admit that would be unfair. Super Mario Bros. sold like 40 million, but it came bundled with NES for most of NES life span. I'm trying not to use "free" games that came with the consoles sold.
It never came with the sega saturn.[QUOTE="tidus222"]any multi million seller is considered popular
do you realize how few games even sell 1 million copies ???????????????
Not really. The PS2 had over 70 games which sold over 1 million. I think calling a game with over 1 million sales popular is overkill.Â
Considering the system has 5000 games on it, i say a million seller is rare enough.
Saying Halo has over 6 million sold isn't such a big deal, it was the only game worth picking up for the console. If you looked at what the rest of the Xbox users picked up it would probably be Madden. Same goes for Smash brothers, although Nintendo could always count on its fans to buy everything they make, good or bad.
When you speak of attach rate like this you assume everyone is hardcore on games.Â
Like the conculsion that had microsoft captured the same market of 112 million Xbox, 23 million poeple would get halo. I would say  the 6 million gamers willing to get Halo and an xbox already have them, the other 106 million couldn't give a toss.
 Sony franchises are a big deal if they sell over 5 million, like all the FF games. If you assume console sales move in waves after the release of AAA games then MGS and playstation is popular, popular enough to sell 112 million consoles.....
nonsense calculations :(
PS2 owners made up with different variety of people, some of them only play puzzle games, or music games
while Xbox owner are all made up with Halo-lovers (or say FPS lovers)
and yeah, I'm sure MGS is not popular, that even MS wants Kojima to "jump in"
think before you post, k ?
Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable.
Did you realize how much Halo copy's they gave with the console LOL... please you failed from the first letter of this post.
goddamn topics like this and opinions like yours TC is the reason why every bloody game franchise is gonna turn into gears of war.
Onimusha 1 and 2 were awesome in terms of the level design the scenario and even characters. they were very beautiful games.   and then they tried to change it and make it hollywood to probably reach more people, and it resulted in the lamest onimusha. The latest onimusha is even worse. And what does one of the creators say i think keiji inafune, "games should not be considered art" no wonder your games suck now
i love halo but it seems as though the devs are thinking that lots of players will switch off if they put in more character development and a stronger plot. THats far from the truth, and metal gear solid is a good example of why its not. I'm sometimes surprised metal gear solid is as popular as it is, as it is sooo vastly different from the millions and millions of fps'es out there.
You made this exact thread like 5 days ago.. and it's still just as stupid... (though, it is stupid everyone tries to bring up the attach rate argument).
Though you do have a point, i mean, GTA: VC DID sell 3.5 million copies on Xbox... oh.. wait... (100 million ps2's, 14 million GTA:VC, 25 million xbox's, should = 3.5 million GTA:VC sales... by your logic, crazy how it didnt even sell a million on xbox...)
Guess, like you've been trying to dispute... you do fail
Or we could turn that around, obviously ever game that sold more than 1 million copies on GC, was more a of success and more popular than every game that sold 5 million or less copies on Ps2.Â
Oh... and, since we're talking about MGS, how well did MGS2 sell on xbox?
Oh, it sold less than a million?
Hows that? it sold 7 million on ps2, theres no way it could of sold less than 1.75 million on xbox... again, by your logic.
Oh, and Halo isint as popular as you think, for the last time, using your logic, I mean, SSBM sold about as much as it, but since GC sold 4/5 of what xbox did, it's obvious 5/4 more popular than halo.Â
You heard it here first everybody: if a game doesn't sell, it sucks. Teufelhuhnlol! so much for gspots game of the year "best game no one played" award.
please:roll:. this topic is BS.Â
Umm do you really think by multiplying the number of Xboxes will that make u feel better.. it failed sorry..Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.Â
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.Â
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.Â
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.Â
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable. Â
FF isn't popular because FF XIIÂ has only sold around 2 million on US.
RE isn't popular because RE 4 barely sold 2-3 mil. on both platforms.
Zelda isn't popular because WW only sold 3 (or 5 depending on the source) mil.
This is the TC's logic.
Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable.
So that's up to 5 million PS3s we can expect to see fly off shelves later this year.
Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.Â
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.Â
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.Â
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.Â
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable. Â
Ownage Approved... best thread all day
[QUOTE="tidus222"]any multi million seller is considered popular
do you realize how few games even sell 1 million copies ???????????????
 Read Electronic Arts 2006 Annual Report, they had 27 games sell over 1 million units world wide.Â
Which is a pretty small percentage....I think you just made his point. That's what you were going for, right?
If system A has 100 games, and system B has 10 games....wouldnt it stand to reason that a random game from system B would sell more than a random game from system A, since there is so little to choose from with system B?
 I am not saying MGS is better than Halo, or vice versa, I played both...enjoyed both...but this whole argument makes very little sense. You buy the games that are available....I bought the xbox for Morrowind, i got halo2 as an afterthought since there wasnt much else to choose from.
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