[QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="PaintballinDude"] Im really unimpressed. I asked you for a link that laser dieing. Talk is cheap plain AND simple. I work with televisons all day long dont assume. Do you really think DVD-9 will last forever, honestly with your all knowing knowledge of electronics i would expect more... tsk tsk. Uh last time i checked Xbox 360 still plays dvds. One would say that would "Burn out" the laser quick noteing that dvd in much larger quanties. Making your statement crap again. You received a free year of XBL from Best buy for purchaseing something, stores do these kind of things to draw attention of consumers, or as i like to say it. Chumps. Home not impressive? Give me one improvement over home, i gave you one. Your opinon means nothing to me troll. You claim superior out of pure opinon, give me some facts. That were not pullen from your ***PaintballinDude
LOL, well first of all, I was never trying to impress you, just giving out proper information.
As for laser's dying, depending on quality, length of usage and other outside factors will all contribute to how long the laser will last. I mean really, do I have to explain things such as this to you. I ain't making this up, all lasers, be it in a home DVD, burners, and "Yes" even the new HD lasers on both formats will go. Throwing out the old "Link Please" ain't gonna save you from this fact.
And really, if your not mature enough to just admit your wrong, there is no reason to talk to a silly immature fanboy.
As for my opion about having more space on a disk, yes it's a good thing, and one advantage I give to the PS3. Though the huge disadvantage working against the PS3 is the hefty price increase it added to the PS3, thus keeping it out of reach for most casual consumers. And of course I don't think DVD-9 will last forever, but do think it has a good 5 to 7 years left.
And yes, the DVD on the 360 will burn out also, but I can get a realitively cheap replacement from microsoft without have in purchase a whole new console, like the PS3.
As for your comment on getting XBL Gold for a year free with a game purchase, I would believe you would be a "Chump" for not getting a game that you already wanted.
Online, LOL. Unified service, regulated servers (single biggest reason, the reason why quite a few PS3 games don't come with online functions), easy of use, inviting friends playing in other games to play in your game, chat to friends playing other games plus a few others. Again, I do state, if your not into online gaming that much, the PS3 version for the most part will do you fine.
Again, "Home" is not impressive for online gaming. But for hanging out at the worlds biggest sausage fest with your pretend avator, have at it. Take your buddies to your pad, share some milk and cookies and talk about how gay this really is.
"Home" take away the "e" and add an "o", and there you have it.
Well, enough of slamming your uninformed arguements, I can see where this is goinig. Fanboy!!!
If you werent you wouldnt of typed that up to convince me. Playstation 3 already includes a unified friends list. You should really do your homework. I can invite friends or clan to my home and tell them the plan of attack before a match in R:FOM, in which we would all Join TOGETHER over home. All Developers will be able to have pasfic content which will Boarder than XBL. I can download content and make microtransactions. Every ascept you bash about Home is something that you dont have Jealous much? Home will improve on every aspect of XBL and more so. I cant wait to show my friends the clan make i had where i would whooped whomever's *** in a team death match. Please bashing something like that is just fanboyish. Insecure about your manliness much? Maybe you should go read some maddox. hahhaha Are you saying that Xbox 360, 20gb is worth more than PS3, 60gb, home and a blu ray drive? Lets do some math. Playstation 3= 599 (60gb) Xbox 360= 399 (20gb) Hd-Dvd drive= 200 XBL = 50 Xbox seems to be more. Even when the Elite Xbox comes out, or what you would like to call it. I can buy an external drive and Still get a greater value than you. Fanboy
Man, your list keeps getting shorter and shorter.
OK, last one. Your wrong that you have a unified friends list, well mostly wrong. Yep, you can see what friends are online, but you have no way of inviting a friend playing another game into the game your playing. Never mind chatting with that friend playing another game unless you both quit your games. Some unified experience. :roll:
You can download content and make microtransaction, hey, bravo for you. I know I have enjoyed this on XBL for a year now.
Hey, like I said, if you want a more interactive sausage fest over the service, great. But for online gaming, it doesn't bring in anything new or improved to online gaming. In actual fact, "Home" hides the fact that online gaming is something that Sony can't deliver like XBL, doesn't know how to deliver, or doesn't what to deliver due to costs. They are betting on the "Free" service to intice gamers, but doesn't offer a complete online experience like XBL.
As if I am jealous about "Home", LOL, not really. Though for aspects outside of online gaming, I think its fairly neat and could in the future be something that the next gen consoles will utilize a lot better than Sony's first try. I believe this system will be standard in the next gen, or something similar. But as messed up as Sony's online is right now, with no real way of fixing it, this is either window dressing, or a prototype interface for the next gen console, if Sony survives the big disappointing launch of the PS3.
We all have to face facts, downloadable content is here to stay, and this prototype "Home" experience is nothing more than a fun way of spending your money. As for "Home" and the whole Sony online strategy as it sits, it's inferior for online gaming.
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