What have you turned into, capcom? D:
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What have you turned into, capcom? D:
As if SF4 wasn't casual enough. But I can't say Im surprised, they clearly took notice of how much better the latest MK game sold. What they will end up doing though is not capturing casual gamers and start losing core gamers. Just like they have with every other fan favourite franchise they own.
As if SF4 wasn't casual enough. But I can't say Im surprised, they clearly took notice of how much better the latest MK game sold. What they will end up doing though is not capturing casual gamers and end up losing core gamers. Just like they have with every other fan favourite franchise they own.
I don't understand what you mean.. they didn't lose the core with MVC or SF4, but they did capture new players.. so I don't really see where you are going with this. All he said is that there should be things like better training modes and some mechanics that are easy enough for most people to have fun, I don't see the problem with that, not everyone has the time or want to devote so much time to learning a fighting game. Either way it's not like Arc Sys didn't do the same with BB and now P4A.
If they want to attract more people, they don't need to focus on the gameplay. They need to focus on content. "Casuals" love tons of single player content, just look at MK.
They just need to have a tutorial mode that actually teaches things, something like the auto combo in SFxT as an optional little thing for people that want to play without getting in depth into the mechanics, and a lot of SP content that isn't just arcade mode and training mode. That's what they need to do to get more sales.
Of course, I think a fighting game only needs a training mode and a multiplayer mode to be good. But I like to play games for gameplay. Most people don't.
You realize that "accesible" fighting games can also be deep and complex? See: UMvC3, Blazblue and soon Persona 4: Arena.
I see even the mention of Capcom still leaves people jumping on a hate bandwagon.
If they want to attract more people, they don't need to focus on the gameplay. They need to focus on content. "Casuals" love tons of single player content, just look at MK.
They just need to have a tutorial mode that actually teaches things, something like the auto combo in SFxT as an optional little thing for people that want to play without getting in depth into the mechanics, and a lot of SP content that isn't just arcade mode and training mode. That's what they need to do to get more sales.
Of course, I think a fighting game only needs a training mode and a multiplayer mode to be good. But I like to play games for gameplay. Most people don't.
Indeed, a fleshed out story mode like MK and a training mode like Skull girls would do wonders.
[QUOTE="shadowchronicle"]Thats okay to them since they're making money.XVision84
Not for long if they keep this up.
Oh they will, they will. Thats how it usually works. Everyone says Microsoft makes crappy games and they still buy their stuff. Not that it matters or anything but if they went down the path of making "decent" fighters then they would lose money. Believe it or not but thats how it works these days. People like more accessible stuff and it is a trend. I hate it but it really isn't something I can just wave off when all these companies do it.I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
If they want to attract more people, they don't need to focus on the gameplay. They need to focus on content. "Casuals" love tons of single player content, just look at MK.
That would make their dlc on disk useless!!! By the time the player is bored with the game they would be ready to sell it off and rest of the content on the disk would never be bought. SO you have to leave it unfished to make them crave more
I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
Casual will rage quit after a few matchs then go on forum and whine about game being bad. This happens with every fighting games, hardcore or not. Also, good tutorial doesn't mean anything when it comes to online play. You can be godly in offline against AI, but online people will still whoop your ass.I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
(I agree)
[QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"]Casual will rage quit after a few matchs then go on forum and whine about game being bad. This happens with every fighting games, hardcore or not. Also, good tutorial doesn't mean anything when it comes to online play. You can be godly in offline against AI, but online people will still whoop your ass.I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
That is my point...fighting games should have a GOOD tutorial. StarCraft 2 does a decent job of training you for the online play with its advanced training missions. They teach you how to wall off your base, using hotkeys, using speed to create an army, etc etc. Fighting games fail in this department. They should be traching you the basics of the game with its AI and teaching you the more hardcore stuff for online play.
If I have to go on youtube to learn how to play a game, then the game itself has failed to teach me anything and it will simply just turn other players away.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"]Casual will rage quit after a few matchs then go on forum and whine about game being bad. This happens with every fighting games, hardcore or not. Also, good tutorial doesn't mean anything when it comes to online play. You can be godly in offline against AI, but online people will still whoop your ass.JangoWuzHere
That is my point...fighting games should have a GOOD tutorial. StarCraft 2 does a decent job of training you for the online play with its advanced training missions. They teach you how to wall off your base, using hotkeys, using speed to create an army, etc etc. Fighting games fail in this department. They should be traching you the basics of the game with its AI and teaching you the more hardcore stuff for online play.
Some games do, some games don't.
As stupid as it may sound, I think Sega actually owns the rights to tutorials for FGs or something along those lines. I'm completely serious too. So developers have to go out of their way. I have no source, just heard it alot.
Casual will rage quit after a few matchs then go on forum and whine about game being bad. This happens with every fighting games, hardcore or not. Also, good tutorial doesn't mean anything when it comes to online play. You can be godly in offline against AI, but online people will still whoop your ass.[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"]
I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
That is my point...fighting games should have a GOOD tutorial. StarCraft 2 does a decent job of training you for the online play with its advanced training missions. They teach you how to wall off your base, using hotkeys, using speed to create an army, etc etc. Fighting games fail in this department. They should be traching you the basics of the game with its AI and teaching you the more hardcore stuff for online play.
If I have to go on youtube to learn how to play a game, then the game itself has failed to teach me anything and it will simply just turn other players away.
Many of thesedays fighting games have decent tutorials, SF4, Tekken, blazblue, etc. They do show you how to perform some easy combo to hard combos, it's your job to utilize them during combat, right movement/combo at the right time. A fighting game tutorial shouldn't teach you things like jump/crouch cancels because they're just exploit of system mechanic, if you figure that out, you have some advantage, If you see other people do it, you can learn to do it to, but if you refuse to learn it by observing, then you deserve to fail.Fighting games is not exactly the same as RTS, most situations happen immediate and quick, it mostly rely on punishment so your reflex must be good, and you must have some experience with game mechanic/combo (which was taught in tutorials/movelist). One cannot plan their attack from the beginning to the end of the match, they make it up during the fight. You can't simply just think "for this enemy, using this character I shoud use these moves, punch first then dodge", no.
Casual and fighting do not go togetherYoshiYogurt
Smash bro's nuff said.
Who cares, more accesible is a good thing gets more people into the genre.
Why can't they just keep to the "Easy to Learn, but Hard to Master" Routine?
wait, They said Christian Svensson made a statement.
I thought he left Capcom to go work for Sony.
Why can't they just keep to the "Easy to Learn, but Hard to Master" Routine?
wait, They said Christian Svensson made a statement.
I thought he left Capcom to go work for Sony.
The way I've seen, I've always figured a GOOD "accessible" game would follow the "easy to learn, hard to master" routine. It would be easy to learn, hence why it'd be accessible, but still hard to master for those who are more serious or more into competitive play.
So I guess whether I see this news as bad or good is how capcom intends to make their next fighting game "accessible."
Why can't they just keep to the "Easy to Learn, but Hard to Master" Routine?
wait, They said Christian Svensson made a statement.
I thought he left Capcom to go work for Sony.
The way I've seen, I've always figured a GOOD "accessible" game would follow the "easy to learn, hard to master" routine. It would be easy to learn, hence why it'd be accessible, but still hard to master for those who are more serious or more into competitive play.
So I guess whether I see this news as bad or good is how capcom intends to make their next fighting game "accessible."
I just hope it means Capcom will add a "Show Me" option to their Training and Trail Modes like what SNK did for KOF13.
Why would they want that? Most Capcom fighting games are already pretty accessible, and casual compared to the likes of Virtua Fighter and KoF. And if they try, they'll probably f*ck it up just like they f*cked up almost everything els.
The most Casual Capcom Games out there now are Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Marvel vs Capcom 3.
sadly, MvC3 is more casual than Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
[QUOTE="YoshiYogurt"]Casual and fighting do not go togetherrazgriz_101
Smash bro's nuff said.
Don't tell that to the competitive scene or they'll go all butthurt and stuff.As long as their is depth and a clear distinction between pro and noob players, I don't care what they do. Umvc3 was perfect.
As casual as SF4 was, I hated the moves and FADC cancels in it. I much rather like SF3:3s's smaller combos. 3s will forever remain the best fighting game imo.
UMVC3 casual? No skill?
Please just stop. A game like UMVC3 is hardly accesible to new players.
I agree with this because I went from being a street fighter player to a Umvc3 player and the speed of the game was hard to adjust to at first.
Just going to point out that SF4 doesn't have a tutorial mode at all. And if the developers are aware of an "exploit" they should also try to teach it as long as it's important at mid-high level play.
While a lot of things that happen during fights are very reactionay, if you don't have a plan or know what you should be doing in a certain matchup then you're a bad player and deserve to lose.
UMVC3 casual? No skill?
Please just stop. A game like UMVC3 is hardly accesible to new players.
Easy to play != easy to win. A grand majority of combos in UMvC3 are really damn easy, which is the intention. Doing combos and setups might not be hard, but fighting against a player that knows what they are doing is a different story.
You're sort of an UMvC3 fanboy.:P
Why can't they just keep to the "Easy to Learn, but Hard to Master" Routine?
wait, They said Christian Svensson made a statement.
I thought he left Capcom to go work for Sony.
The way I've seen, I've always figured a GOOD "accessible" game would follow the "easy to learn, hard to master" routine. It would be easy to learn, hence why it'd be accessible, but still hard to master for those who are more serious or more into competitive play.
So I guess whether I see this news as bad or good is how capcom intends to make their next fighting game "accessible."
I just hope it means Capcom will add a "Show Me" option to their Training and Trail Modes like what SNK did for KOF13.
They also need to explin things that aren't obvious. "If you are doing a chain, you can't cancel into a special move. Link the last hit so that you can do the combo!"
There are also some other things that I get were sort of there as a tutorial, but they didn't make sense until you sort of already understood it. Some characters using jump ins that would usually be used as a cross up instead of a straight up jump in, or something like canceling into Abels roll for mixups.
Yeah, I want to like fighting games but having no tutorial makes it so hard.I think this is the right choice. Face it elitists, the fighting game genre is dying or almost dead. It shouldn't just cater to the hardcore, fighting games should try to get new people into the fighting game genre. A good majority of fighting games lack any sort of good tutorial which is INSANE. The fighting game genre feels like its stuck in the past when it really needs to evolve.
UMVC3 casual? No skill?
Please just stop. A game like UMVC3 is hardly accesible to new players.
Easy to play != easy to win. A grand majority of combos in UMvC3 are really damn easy, which is the intention. Doing combos and setups might not be hard, but fighting against a player that knows what they are doing is a different story.
You're sort of an UMvC3 fanboy.:P
I said it isn't accesible to new players because of how difficult it is execution wise and having good setups needed to win against someone with even a bit of knowledge and skill at the game.Please Log In to post.
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