I'm sure this has been talked about before MANY MANY times (i think)
Muiltiplate games should have online portions that are muilty plate lets say cod5 for a my hypothetical situation
when connecting online to either Live or Psn you would be directed to Activision muiltiplatform dedicated servers. I now that the games process info differently but the game could be designed on both systems to transmet and receive packets from the dedicated servers the same way.(I'm sure there'd be more complexity involved)
I personally think this would be cool as my friends are made up of people who either own a ps3, or xbox360 and we would be able to play each other. I also think all muiltiplates should be like this so when it came to buying a system you would know you would be connected to all gamers in muiltiplate games and only had to look at the exclusive games and features of a console when deciding on buying it.
AS for online fanboy wars well there would be the option to play on muiltiplate servers or serves exclusively for your system so if you only want to play owners of your console you can. (those busy fightingwould be easyer to shoot.
I know this would never be possible as Microsoft would never allow there lemmings who are charged 50 a year play against those who could access the same muiltiplate server for free.
So what do you think (go easy on me:))
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