In SW we get a lot of chances to promote our favorite games. And generally, if they're our favorites, we're defending them from criticism. But for fun - what about criticism you have of your favorite games? Be sure to include at least one example from this generation to keep it relevant. Try to pick favorites from every generation if you can. More points if you can point out some unique views or lesser publicized flaws.
PS1 era
Xenogears. What an amazing game. Aside from the Disc 2 issues that I'm sure everyone knows about. But more than that, something that bothers me is the connections to the modern day Israel conflict. There are obvious allusions made, but the way the game features them is trite and doesn't really do justice to the reality at hand.
PS2 era
Xenosaga is another game I promote in here, so I figure it'd be best for me to focus on. The game is well known for having religious connections, and while some of the ideas are indeed interesting ... the real world connections to the actual Christian relgion detract from the game and make the game seem silly. Giant mystical machines being constructed in ... biblical times? One of the biggest reveals from the game shows that a character is actually the soul of an ancient person. I wont disclose the information, but it's pretty disappointingly silly given the build up.
Wii era
Not too many games stand out for me this gen, like last gen. But I suppose I enjoyed Valkyria Chronicles the most. The only problem is the story is just not very good and like the previously listed games, it's real world connections to World War 2 are trite and oversimplifications of important realities.
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