Move Sells 1.5 Million in Europe, Estimated 300k in the U.S.
Looks like overall reviews from critics are that the PS3 move is good stuff!
the games so far tho..... uhhhhmmmm not so much lol.. I hear heavy rain is amazing, eye pet, sports champs, and MAG(if you fiddle with the controls a bit there's a vid on youtube about it) are all awesome.. havent heard anything about resident evil 5 yet tho..
Move critic reviews
Alot of people are comparing the Wii and PS Move and rightfully so, they are pretty much the same, with movie obviously being better. At this point though its really going to come down to who has the better games, and in all honesty I think the PS3 is capable of much more, so i'm expecint alot, hope no dissapiontment lies ahead.
This will be the game i'm most looking forward too, hopefully sony doesn't dissapoint.. The Fight: Lights Out!
Most people however are looking forward to TIME CRISIS! be honest, how many of you are gona buy the gun thing... i will...
Playstation move Game List and Reviews:
Brunswick Bowling 5.5
Kung Fu Riders 4.0
Sports Champions 7.5
Eye Pet 6.5
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition -
Heavy Rain -
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