Also, "Im_single" (LOL!) look at the Unreal 3 engine. Look at the ways it has been enhanced over the years. Gears Of War 2 was exponentially more impressive than Gears Of War 1. And, Gears Of War 1 was an improvement over previous Unreal 3 games. And, to top it off, they're supposed to show off some more Unreal 3 engine enhancements at this year's GDC.
So, there's two options:
1) Crysis has not reached it's full potential as Crytek, logic, configurations, and the world as we know it shows.
2) Cryengine 2 is the first proprietary engine that remained static for years.
Which one seems more likely?
Typically ill-informed consoleboy.
it did not look better than gears of war 1 btw. All they did was change the color pallete an BAM! evryone thought it looked so wonderful (the first time i played it, i said to my friend that it would look much better with more color :P) i am sure the CRY-Engine 2 has not reached its peak but your analogy with gears is wrong.What the hell are you talking about? You're talking as if eye candy is the only thing that goes into graphics and presentation. Gears Of War 2 had much bigger environemts and-- Why do I even bother? Just watch the tech demo at last year's GDC 09. It completely pwns everything you said. Also, there's a nice GameSpot article about this. I'm tired of pointless arguments. I've reached my quota for the day. Gears Of War 2 had some definite technical improvements that aren't immediately obvious just looking at screenshots. There's more units on screen, with more open environemnts, and--ughhh...
Just look at these videos:
Just the fact that the models, textures, and animations are even close to the original while on this scale disproves your claim. You are done. Completely obliterated.
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