Looks stunning and with much better lighting to me and that is all that counts
Lets not forget that a few days ago Crysis 1 on consoles was though impossible even at lowest setting and now it runs with better lighing and very nice setting in everything else too
Much better lighting? They removed some dynamic lights, increased the contrast and tone of current lights, and then upped the levels of bloom.
PC modders have been messing with the config files and ToD settings to get better results than what Crytek did. The whole reason they have to enhance the amount of bloom and change the contrast ratios is because of the amount of corners they need to cut. They need to mask tons of graphical defects with enhanced bloom.
Every shot I've seen of Crysis 1 on the consoles has a terrible LoD (level of detail) system for the distance. They had to up the amount of bloom coming from the sky to mask how much they have reduced geometries.
You're also looking at runnig around 30fps at 720p (if not lower) while PCs run Crysis at beyond default max settings at 60fps at 1080p with AA. Usually these versions of Crysis also have ToD tweaks to make the lighting look more natrual without increasing the amount of bloom to cover up bad textures.
Crytek said lighting is enchanced and i will go with that, they sure know their game better than us if you ask me
Plus the point remains, a few days back Crysis 1 was supposdly not possible on consoles, now it comes looking stunning and with its full scale and glory, making all the infinite posts about how weak consoles are very funny
Lets not forget the kind of money you had to spend back then to just make Crysis run at release with the worst lighting at a good setting
Considering all that, Crytek has yet again done the unbeleivable and what everyone said was impossible, same as with Crysis 2
Crysis 1 with enchanced cryengine 3 lighting, real particle explosions, occlusion and 3D support for consoles, stuff of legends
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