Intentional violation of standard grammar.
From the leaked gameplay...
Human enemy A.Is don't seem to have a believable situational awareness.
In one instance, a human A.I(enemy) doesn't realize the presence of the player, even when he is standing close to the A.I's back without "cloak mode" on.
If this "defect" persists in the retail launch, Crysis 2 will utterly fail.
First, crysis did not have a believable human ai. Seriously their movements and reactions felt suitable to robots than humans.Second, the last crysis 2 trailer has what you describe and i thought it looked prety stupid:
0:45, "there is nothing out there"
0:57 "do you copy?"
Seriously what the hell? So far i can tell that crytek has done it again with their simple and very specific scripting. I want human belivable ai. Not ai that can detect you from a bazillion miles away, not ai with super accuracy that hit you from miles away before even raising their weapons, not ai that sprint strafes sideways and dodges bullets or have some short of spidey sense and get alerted with incorect dialogues once you get close.
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