[QUOTE="LiquidSnake1001"]I can't say this suprises me only a fanboy would deny that PS3 is more powerful, no 360 game matches MGS4 which is nearly 2 years old. CAPSROGUE
Gears of War 2 said hi.
UC2/KZ2/GoW3, yes, those are the beasts. MGS4? It's not ugly but it defeniantly isn't a graphics prince.
I own a ps3, but i think ps3 fanboys overrate difference between 360 and ps3.
Uncharted 2 and GOW3, maybe xbox360 cant beat it, but we never know.
KZ2 is a lol, when I play kz2, i feel like playing crysis on a computer witha P4 CPU and ATI x800. it's so laggy. It only looks good on still image, but horrible when you actually play it. Honestly I perfer a lag free fps games, like MW2 than KZ2. KZ2's frame rateis too slow.
MGS4, I am sure xbox360 canhandheld it too, but with multiple DVDs, MGS4's graphics is not impressive at all anyway. In fact, FF13 has much better graphics than MGS4 on PS3.
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