[QUOTE="MetalGearSolidZ"]bro, you're just not getting it. Superior: of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students". From what a Crysis 2 dev said in the vid, "Nobody runs as good as we do on PS3, I would light my hand on fire for that" obviously we won't know till it comes out but devs love the trey version :)dude you actaully stated in an earlier post that the devs themselves said the PS3 version ' came out on top', they didn't, they just said that nobody runs better than us on the PS3' which actually means ' nobody can utilise the PS3 as well as we do', it doesn't mean 'the PS3 version comes out on top' does it, the only thing crysis 2 on PS3 is uperior to is other PS3 games,lol, the word 'superior' (when it's spelt properly) actually means 'better' Speaking of spelling "uperior" exactly. Anyways it does come out on top according to the devs in the vid.[QUOTE="delta3074"]show me links to some proof where they actually state the Ps3 version will be better than the 360 version and i will believe you, until then, NOdelta3074
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