OMG, watch the new PC footage of Crysis 2, and then go watch the new PS3 footage of Killzone 3.......Can you believe those graphics are running on a 5 year old hardware? It looks so F'N realistic......and this is online multiplayer, 24 players max, huge maps, 720p on a 5 year old hardware. No sub-HD here
Graphics aren't just about resolution, though. While it's important, it doesn't take into account AA, AF or draw distances.
Killzone 3 does look very good, and is impressive for 5 year old hardware. Console devs have all sorts of "cheats" to ensure that their games look good - limited fields of view (no need for long draw distances), easily repeatable segments of terrain (lowering the memory footprint) numbers of textures, etc etc.
But Crysis 2 on a 1-2 year old PC is going to crush anything the PS3 can do, purely on the basis it has more modern hardware, rendering techniques and drivers.
It's when the PS4 comes along that things get interesting (for a year or two, at any rate).
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