I forgot the film grain. lol.
Nope, you need moar! Zoom blur :P
Too bright!
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I forgot the film grain. lol.
Nope, you need moar! Zoom blur :P
Too bright!
I would sure hope so! :lol: Calling in game screens tech demo shots is funny enough, but then posting tech demo shots and claiming ownage makes it that much better.LOL @ people who are taking the TC seriously. He's just doing it to annoy you and you guys feed into it.
:lol: at the stickmen pictures and OP
you can never win a fight against hermits their **$5000** pc just stomp all over everything :)
anyone who thinks any console game looks as good as high end pc games need their eyes checked or sue someone for the cranial drill intrusion
Too bright!
Mine's better :PNeeds more brown/grey
Maybe later :lol:Ok Ok, one more volley of pure fanboyism.
IF Crysis was ported to PS3....
:lol: I know im being unfair but its just so much fun :P
Move over people the real king is in the house-
almost photorealistic
Ultra detailed character models
Hi Crysis
Pixar quality
Adio's Killzone 2 console graphics king, new cheifs in town.
Are you watching the show?, NO! this is the game of Naruto exclusive to Xbox360
So there we go future proof technology only in Xbox360
Too bright!
Mine's better :P
Computers will always have better graphics a few months after a generation starts if you're willing to spend the money. You're better off attacking the price to performance ratio, which is terribad. I'm building a new computer and the case+power supply alone costs more than the hardriveless 360. Don't forget a copy of windows, thats 400$ for those three right there, for an empty case with no tech in it yet.
*bunch of 360 pics*
Please be joking :?
I'm pretty sure TC is a fakeboy, please stop making cows look bad, this is the reason hermits flood the boards with Crysis pics because some cow/lem decides that their new exclusive is better looking than and then we have a 15 page thread about people posting stupid pics.
Seriously stop with comparing crysis to any console game graphically, just stop. And is it just me or does that stickperson KZ2 pic make their eyes hurt...
And hermits everyone (who isn't completely blind or lacking half a brain) knows that Crysis is the best graphically, stooping down to their level only makes hermits look bad because all the reasonable people are this forum get tired @ looking at the same crysis pics again and again. If the person is truely that delusional then posting some pics isn't going to suddenly change their opinion.
I must admit though that soddering part was pretty ******* funny.
*bunch of 360 pics*
Please be joking :?
I'm pretty sure TC is a fakeboy, please stop making cows look bad, this is the reason hermits flood the boards with Crysis pics because some cow/lem decides that their new exclusive is better looking than and then we have a 15 page thread about people posting stupid pics.
Seriously stop with comparing crysis to any console game graphically, just stop. And is it just me or does that stickperson KZ2 pic make their eyes hurt...
And hermits everyone (who isn't completely blind or lacking half a brain) knows that Crysis is the best graphically, stooping down to their level only makes hermits look bad because all the reasonable people are this forum get tired @ looking at the same crysis pics again and again. If the person is truely that delusional then posting some pics isn't going to suddenly change their opinion.
I must admit though that soddering part was pretty ******* funny.
Maybe Crysis is the most technical graphics, but beautiful like gears 2, Halo 3, Banjo Nuts and Bolts no way. Maybe the 360 is not as powerful as today computer, but it holds up well, with games like that it gives Crysis beautiful competition.
*bunch of 360 pics*
Please be joking :?
I'm pretty sure TC is a fakeboy, please stop making cows look bad, this is the reason hermits flood the boards with Crysis pics because some cow/lem decides that their new exclusive is better looking than and then we have a 15 page thread about people posting stupid pics.
Seriously stop with comparing crysis to any console game graphically, just stop. And is it just me or does that stickperson KZ2 pic make their eyes hurt...
And hermits everyone (who isn't completely blind or lacking half a brain) knows that Crysis is the best graphically, stooping down to their level only makes hermits look bad because all the reasonable people are this forum get tired @ looking at the same crysis pics again and again. If the person is truely that delusional then posting some pics isn't going to suddenly change their opinion.
I must admit though that soddering part was pretty ******* funny.
Maybe Crysis is the most technical graphics, but beautiful like gears 2, Halo 3, Banjo Nuts and Bolts no way. Maybe the 360 is not as powerful as today computer, but it holds up well, with games like that it gives Crysis beautiful competition.
Beatiful like Gears? ohhhhhhh okay!
Compared to Crysis they have nothing.
Beatiful like Gears? ohhhhhhh okay!
Compared to Crysis they have nothing.
Crysis too much detail, uncanny valley not good situation
*bunch of 360 pics*
Please be joking :?
I'm pretty sure TC is a fakeboy, please stop making cows look bad, this is the reason hermits flood the boards with Crysis pics because some cow/lem decides that their new exclusive is better looking than and then we have a 15 page thread about people posting stupid pics.
Seriously stop with comparing crysis to any console game graphically, just stop. And is it just me or does that stickperson KZ2 pic make their eyes hurt...
And hermits everyone (who isn't completely blind or lacking half a brain) knows that Crysis is the best graphically, stooping down to their level only makes hermits look bad because all the reasonable people are this forum get tired @ looking at the same crysis pics again and again. If the person is truely that delusional then posting some pics isn't going to suddenly change their opinion.
I must admit though that soddering part was pretty ******* funny.
Maybe Crysis is the most technical graphics, but beautiful like gears 2, Halo 3, Banjo Nuts and Bolts no way. Maybe the 360 is not as powerful as today computer, but it holds up well, with games like that it gives Crysis beautiful competition.
the only games that give crysis 'beautiful competition' is other high end pc games such as ArmA2 and StalkerLOL LOL did you seriously put Sub HD MGSIV, and GOWIII as reasons why Crysis doesnt impress you. Fakeboy or delusional fanboy, either way its bad. Killzone 2 isnt great either, nor is Uncharted 2, but atleast they are the best the PS3 has to offer graphically.
Okay TC, you want in game shots of Crysis taking on a person PC? Here is shots from my machine. First, the specs:
AMD Athlon X2 2.7GHz Dual Core BE
XFX Radeon HD 4850 1GB
Windows XP Pro 32bit
First, Crysis running on high on the above rig:
Now, Crysis running on medium:
I usually play the game on medium/high and pull in about 30+ fps on my rig (around 25 fps during heavy firefights). I also own both a PS3 and a 360 and games on either system don't match Crysis on medium, let alone high. Sadly, I can only post "forced" very high pics as I play the game on a 32bit system, so I won't bother with that. These aren't bullshots...they are taken using the in game screenshot command and then uploaded to photobucket. Again, these screenshots were taken on my machine by me. :)
BoloTheGreatThe game also has excessive radial blur for when you move forward, turning and moving makes an effect that is just a mess. Im sorry, i know it may look like im just a hermit hating on the PS3 but I thought R2 was honestly a better game (i loved ii in fact). KZ2 just applies to many layers of effects (VERY dark, shadows on low res textures, MOTION BLURRRRRRR!!! etc) that are very noticeable to someone who s used to the ultra crisp quality of games like HL2. hey bolo, mind giving links for the STALKER Mods? :)
crysis does not look like that...nyctotaactually, it does, ToD settings.
Crysis too much detail, uncanny valley not good situation
Too much details... how many more poor excuses are we gona get?
Lol ok these games they all play like this on the PS3 right out the box. No soddering, wireing, modding, hacking, overclocking, patching, surfing the net for parts or isolation. Just good fun and great graphics.
so false, i have to patch things all the time on ps3, it even requires me to install freaking game demos! That's why i download demos with my xbox360, sure it might rrod one day but i'd rather have that to having to wait 3 minutes to install the demo of a game which is probably junk anyway.
I haven't played K2 but I think most games on consoles use a lot of motion blur to make up for the lower framerates, thus simulating what you would get in a movie, which isn't played anywhere near 60 fps. I personally prefer a lower framerate if motion blurring is used appropriately opposed to a higher framerate with none. There are exceptions when that might not be the best route of course, like extremely fast racing games.
[QUOTE="BoloTheGreat"] The game also has excessive radial blur for when you move forward, turning and moving makes an effect that is just a mess. Im sorry, i know it may look like im just a hermit hating on the PS3 but I thought R2 was honestly a better game (i loved ii in fact). KZ2 just applies to many layers of effects (VERY dark, shadows on low res textures, MOTION BLURRRRRRR!!! etc) that are very noticeable to someone who s used to the ultra crisp quality of games like HL2. GTR2addicthey bolo, mind giving links for the STALKER Mods? :)
crysis does not look like that...nyctotaactually, it does, ToD settings.
I think everyone posting in this thread has let him win (im guilty) he obviously posted it to see the uproar, you must be pretty silly or a complete fanboy to try and argue with it, im a ps3 owner and i can agree Crysis looks better than anything on the ps3 at the moment you should know that so theres no need to keep spamming crysis pictures and such.
I forgot the film grain. lol.
Nope, you need moar! Zoom blur :P
I freaking lewl'd.
I think everyone posting in this thread has let him win (im guilty) he obviously posted it to see the uproar
I think that's the reason behind 90% of SW threads. Whether somebody is a fakeboy, or not, is inconsequential. Many people believe PS3 games look better than games on any system(no joke), so this serves as entertainment to the people supporting this idea as well as opposing it. SW exists soley for bored gamers to bs about mostly nothing.
What did he win anyway? A cookie? Maybe somebody can find CookiGaki so TC can get his treat.
I think everyone posting in this thread has let him win (im guilty) he obviously posted it to see the uproar
I think that's the reason behind 90% of SW threads. Whether somebody is a fakeboy, or not, is inconsequential. Many people believe PS3 games look better than games on any system(no joke), so this serves as entertainment to the people supporting this idea as well as opposing it. SW exists soley for bored gamers to bs about mostly nothing.
What did he win anyway? A cookie? Maybe somebody can find CookieGaki so TC can get his treat.
He acctually did win a cookie i tend to send people who entertain me with unbelievably fanboyish posts a pm with a picture of a cookie in it, its my thing. And i cant believe how famous Cookogaki is already just for putting his name in every post, adorable guy. But yes you are right, i am fairly new to SW so i did not actually understand about people being that unbelievably childish i thought it was kindaa debate club, thanks for clearing it up for me.But yes you are right, i am fairly new to SW so i did not actually understand about people being that unbelievably childish i thought it was kindaa debate club, thanks for clearing it up for me.Jono789
8) No problem. SW is sorta a mass debate club, and unbelievably childish at the same time. A mature, serious discussion has no place in SW, hence the War part. Fanboyism is hilariously entertaining.
[QUOTE="Jono789"] But yes you are right, i am fairly new to SW so i did not actually understand about people being that unbelievably childish i thought it was kindaa debate club, thanks for clearing it up for me.
8) No problem. SW is sorta a mass debate club, and unbelievably childish at the same time. A mature, serious discussion has no place in SW, hence the War part. Fanboyism is hilariously entertaining.
Yep ive realised that from about 10 minutes of looking at this place thinking of it like that, for the last few weeks i was here i almost got suicidal XDI own all 3 consoles and a gaming PC and Crysis looks best by miles on my 40" Sony Bravia @ 1080p.
Killzone 2 looks good but just not as sharp as most games i've played, something doesn't seem right and i get motion sickness from it. (Maybe its the ridiculous amount of motion blur)
MGS4 is an amazing game, it looks great but they used lots of tricks to hide the flaws and it doesn't even run in 720p. It has the best sound i've heard so far in a game though, just like a movie.
From a techincal stand point crysis is the most impressive by far.
Gamespot doesn't need to provide images for PC games LOL.
System wars threads end up showing me everything the PC has to offer as soon as someone utters the word "graph---*cryisis pic posted*"
PS - joking aside im a cow but im not delusional (im just a bad speller) those PC pics look great.
[QUOTE="clembo1990"]Fail. Complete the set dude and stop justifying your purchase.Omustu
dude everytime i see your sig i get confused, did u make it up yourself or is it from somewhere? and what does it mean!?
I know! i thought it was sledgehamer at first but that looks like Rainn Wilson and maybe even Matt berry on the left side side?If only those were not edited.[QUOTE="Trmpt"][QUOTE="Silenthps"][ say what?Hanass
Show me an in-game screen that IS edited... Oh wait, that's impossible...
You know what i really love, is how logical pc gamers are they actually do post the screenshots of their games and although they do go overboard on it most of the time they do end things quickly with the use of those screenshots theres something to be learnt for all console gamers.Agree with TC. Pc is great and all but when you are a ps3 owner, pc graphics arent so WOOOW Solid_TangoHahahaha Oh and a lot of the Crysis pics here are using custom small maps, with custom lighting and tweaked graphics mods just for the particular screen. You'd need 3xgtx280 to run it smoothly. I am not joking, at a 1920x1080 resolution anyway. Either way the PS3 doesn't come close :)
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