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[QUOTE="devious742"][QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]A lot of it is jealousy, not a lot of people have a pc that can run it hi spec, the graphics mnake it a must have game..
but IMO the game would be about a 7 without the graphics, the graphics take it from mediocre to amazing,
yeah..sure buddy:roll:
erm.. Sorry for having an opinion?
as I said, it's obvious.. gameplay isn't crysis' defining attribute.
gamespot thinks otherwise and thats what matters around said said that without the graphics.. it would be a 7 instead of a 9.5 but gamespot thinks otherwise
It was this open-ended, emergent gameplay--the ability to let us tackle our challenges in whatever way we wished while requiring us to think on our feet that helped the game squeak past impressive shooters such as the highly addictive Call of Duty 4, the extremely polished Halo 3, the creepy and distinctive BioShock, and the jam-packed game known as The Orange Box--all of which are genuinely exceptional games in their own right that are absolutely, positively worth your while. But for being able to make us feel like an incredibly lethal and intelligent predator in a way that perhaps no other game has done, Crysis takes this award.
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="organic_machine"]Well, the game's stealth mechanics are broken. I tried being stealthy the whole game and it was horrible. But the parts where I decided not to be stealthy were the most fun. I wish they would have adapted a camo system as opposed to the generic "temporary invisibility" crap. organic_machine
strange ... at delta difficulty i used stealth a lot, never faced any major problem that i can remember (except one of the helicopters i guess).
The helicopters were annoying. The stealth just wasn't designed well IMO. Compare it to games like Deus Ex, for example. The action was rock solid, and the cloak made the action pretty cool too. But using the cloak the entire game just ruins the experience. When I would go in using the cloak rarely, I had a top notch intense experience. But trying to go stealthy the whole campaign, the invisibility was cheap, and it lacked any thrill or challenge.
What they needed was the MGS3 type of cloak, so you're invisible from a distance away. Because, in Crysis, I was RIGHT in front of people with the cloak, and I was unseen. Come on, that's just cheap.
as i said, i personally got a pretty good experience with cloak . i didn't used cloak for stealth tactics but i used it as more of a take-them-by-surprise tactics device. generally sneaked very near a group using cloak and them finish off the rest. soemtimes it went pretty well if timed and executed correctly, othertimes i had to fall back , take coverand think of something else
as i said, i personally got a pretty good experience with cloak . i didn't used cloak for stealth tactics but i used it as more of a take-them-by-surprise tactics device. generally sneaked very near a group using cloak and them finish off the rest. soemtimes it went pretty well if timed and executed correctly, othertimes i had to fall back , take coverand think of something else
Those times were thrilling. But I pulled a a JC Denton and tried to sneak through the whole game. It sucked. :cry:
[QUOTE="naval"]as i said, i personally got a pretty good experience with cloak . i didn't used cloak for stealth tactics but i used it as more of a take-them-by-surprise tactics device. generally sneaked very near a group using cloak and them finish off the rest. soemtimes it went pretty well if timed and executed correctly, othertimes i had to fall back , take coverand think of something else
Those times were thrilling. But I pulled a a JC Denton and tried to sneak through the whole game. It sucked. :cry:
oh yeah, you cannot be jc denton or garett in that game, it after all has only one option for stealth which is timed
[QUOTE="organic_machine"][QUOTE="naval"]as i said, i personally got a pretty good experience with cloak . i didn't used cloak for stealth tactics but i used it as more of a take-them-by-surprise tactics device. generally sneaked very near a group using cloak and them finish off the rest. soemtimes it went pretty well if timed and executed correctly, othertimes i had to fall back , take coverand think of something else
Those times were thrilling. But I pulled a a JC Denton and tried to sneak through the whole game. It sucked. :cry:
oh yeah, you cannot be jc denton or garett in that game, it after all has only one option for stealth which is timed
Yeah, but an enviornment cloak would have been awesome! :D
had to remind you all of crysis's awesome graphical ownage :) so i took a pic for you guys :) my GTX 280 says HELLO
I do not hate Crysis, I simply don't think it was FPS of the year material. The gameplay isn't as groundbreaking and unique as you are making it out to be either.Verge_6
The ability to turn invisible at any time at your own will (no items needed) added a whole new dimension to the gameplay. There is nothing more enjoyable than sneaking behind an alien in a zero gravity zone, then grabbing them and punching the heck out of them :D
If Crysis is not innovative in terms of gameplay, I don't know what is (apart from Doom, Hexen and Half-Life).
I had done a blog about Crysis a couple months ago and I had stated that it wasn't the game that I boasted it to be by the time of release but it took time for me to realize that.
However I don't discredit the game anymore than that. It's still a strong, sharp experience on PC. I think the reason why it gets so much hate is mainly because it's the most vulnerable. Any fanboy could easily say that it's all flash. It's technical achievement is the heart of the Crysis hate and it's really pathetic if you ask me.
It's really the ONLY PC game that console gamers attack in SW. We never see a console gamer attack STALKER, Sins of a Solar Empire, Company of Heroes, World in Conflict, etc. Why is that? Because they think that there's nothing that stands out in those games when in fact they're all better than Crysis. At least in my opinion.
Another thing is that because of Crysis, PC gamers are targeted as "graphic whores" when in fact there are more threads about console graphics kings than there are PC related threads in general.
I liked the single player, but the multiplayer was crap, to be honest. Needs a better multiplayer to merit a 9.5 IMO. Still a great game though.Zoso-8
MGS4 had no multiplayer and it got a 10..
Bioshock got a 9.0 with no multiplayer..
GTA4 had a multiplayer but its main draw was singleplayer and it got a 10...
Games should not be marked on having multiplayer or not.. As long as the quality and size of the game is good.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"]I do not hate Crysis, I simply don't think it was FPS of the year material. The gameplay isn't as groundbreaking and unique as you are making it out to be either.PandaBear86
The ability to turn invisible at any time at your own will (no items needed) added a whole new dimension to the gameplay. There is nothing more enjoyable than sneaking behind an alien in a zero gravity zone, then grabbing them and punching the heck out of them :D
If Crysis is not innovative in terms of gameplay, I don't know what is (apart from Doom, Hexen and Half-Life).
The whole 'suit' thing was done in a much better fashion years ago. Why are people so set on thinking the suit mechanics in Crysis are groundbreaking and new? This is simply adding to my theory that many gamers who think Crysis is one of the best and most innovative PC FPS games yet didn't play games like Deus Ex.
Yea Lettuce you pretty much answeres your own question. It is pretty sad, and pathetic that MGS4 beat out Crysis at G-phoria for best graphics. That was just spite at it's best, and I have no further use for Xplay anymore. I think it deserves everything it got, and to all the haters like the fools that voted on that G4 poll, I feel sorry for ya. Can't wait for Warhead.neogeo419
Meh I will give it to them. It is a opinion and I do think MGS4 has some intersting style to it... And they did say Crysis was technicially superior but they prefered the aestetics of it.. I think Gametrailers was the worse.. IT DIDN'T EVEN PUT IT UP AS A RUNNER UP..
[QUOTE="neogeo419"]Yea Lettuce you pretty much answeres your own question. It is pretty sad, and pathetic that MGS4 beat out Crysis at G-phoria for best graphics. That was just spite at it's best, and I have no further use for Xplay anymore. I think it deserves everything it got, and to all the haters like the fools that voted on that G4 poll, I feel sorry for ya. Can't wait for Warhead.sSubZerOo
Meh I will give it to them. It is a opinion and I do think MGS4 has some intersting style to it... And they did say Crysis was technicially superior but they prefered the aestetics of it.. I think Gametrailers was the worse.. IT DIDN'T EVEN PUT IT UP AS A RUNNER UP..
Spite, pure spite. It's cool they can hug their consoles till they crack the cases.I think they're just sick of hermits butting in to every console comparison thread saying "crysis pwns this...crysis pwns that, /thread"
So, people resort to attacking the hermits most precious thing...
I think you are correct. Hermits get the most hate around here since they are the odd one in system wars,
YEA good post, if u hate crysis u hate gaming and admit to being a wii lover...thats right...and if u hate crysis u should be exiled to is with all the Crysis hate? People are calling it a tech demo, gameplay sucks etc.
How exactly? Do people want the same boring gameplay over and over in every single shooter? Linear gameplay and stuff?
Or are people just jealous, and they can't run the game so they decide to bash it.
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