Not at all. I guess if you consider one light source and the same tree and bush copy and pasted 50 times in a scene with absurd contrast with incredible amounts of bloom to wash out the scene to be great graphics then maybe.
Crysis's DX9 renderer is outdated. No deferred rendering, no use of tessellations, and a lot of really ugly textures and models all to keep the polygon count in check. The game is also bottlenecked pretty badly on the CPU and even with the most beefy PCs doesn't go above like 70 fps.
The AA in Crysis is also extremely weak and doesn't apply well to the foliage.
Unless you bathe the entire scene with extremely high contrast and a lot of bloom with some modded ToD file and replace the textures, the game shows its age. It's still a good looking game. It's not like a 90s game where the best looking games of 5 years ago look like crap. Crysis is still a graphical powerhouse but on the rendering side the scope is limited. It renders large, open environments well but struggles with LoDing at higher resolutions due to no tessellations. One large scale Crysis looks good but detail wise there is a lot to be desired. Even Crysis 2 looks better than Crysis 1 on the small scale.
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