The PS2 alone is better then all 3 current gen consoles combined.
You're absolutely right. There aren't too many games this generation that can stand up to the games on the PS2. Games like Kingdom Hearts, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Legendia, Dark Cloud, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, Rogue Galaxy and Zone of the Enders were all amazing games that I'd rather play than most of the crap on the current gen consoles.
I also hate motion control and 3D, both of those are pointless gimmicks. Motion control can still be fun with certain games such as Wii Sports, but 3D is utter garbage. It adds absolutely nothing to the experience, all it does it make the screen blurry and give you a headache. (And yes, when I tried 3D, I was wearing the glasses.) I don't understand why some people like 3D so much, at first I notice some depth, and I'm slightly impressed, but after about half a minute the depth goes away and it's just blurry.
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