[QUOTE="Pimpshigity21"][QUOTE="navneet21"][QUOTE="Mateo14"] Ok guys i know everyone and their grandmother in law has made one of these threads but lets face it! Its almost 2008 and there is no reason anyone would want to buy a triple.
Heavenly Bored
Lame Gear Solid 4
Who wants to play those when you can play bioshock, halo 3, forza 2, orange box, perfect dark, gears and much more on the 360 and pc?
People may say that Lame Gear Solid and FF 13 can save the ps3 but those titles arent very mainstream at all and will not boost sales by much. I say sony should go back to making walkmans and dishwashers.
I say you cant afford a PS3 and your pissed of.
I'm pissed off at the fact I can afford a PS3...but there is nothing outside of Blu-ray movies that warant the purchase.
Thank God for the 360 or I would be forced to watch network TV for entertainment.
Their is Warhawk, R&C and uncharted are coming out, Resistance Fall of Man is pretty good, Ninja Sigma is also awesome, and Heavenly Sword is good just too short maybe you should rent it.
R&C would be the only title that I would purchase. I've seen Warhawk and RFOM on my friend's machine and I'm not impressed. I played NS on my Xbox. My friend rented HS and he said it was just ok.
And thats it for PS3 games. All of the multiplatform titles are better on the 360.
I'm surely not going to spend $600 (or $500 or even $400) for R&C. I'll be too bussy with Mass Effect and CoD4 to bother with Uncharted (if that one does not flop).
Oh, and according to my friend, Sony's online sucks.
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