If there is one thing I could agree on with DS when it comes to the haters... its the way they explain (or don't explain) certain things. A lot of it is very touch and go which is cool but definitely kind of annoying when you are new to the series (I started on DS1 personally, but I had some slight issues). They do teach you the very basics: attack, dodge, run, shield, but when it comes to items and what they do, resistances, stats and what they do, and all those weapon rankings from stats, you are pretty much in the dark. Some are very cut and dry on what they do, but then a lot of it is just stuff that can be fairly vague on description (wtf is humanity, invasions, covenants, etc.). There is a crap ton of stat modifiers (not just faith, strength, etc. but the big list of stuff they increase for each point) but you have very little clue what the symbols mean for a lot of it at first. After awhile you figure out what stuff does, but not without having to read about it first, or getting killed a few times due to inexperience.
I guess that is why some people like it, but it's also why I think it will always remain niche.
For once a none casual bs rpg with three stats -Vitality -Mana and -Damage. If The Souls series was as simplified i bet the majority of vets would quit simply because you'd try every build possible in under a week n then what? Instead we have tones of shit to try and this adds TONES of longevity.
Oh I do agree on that. I'm not entirely sure they are doing a great job in spelling that out though. They could have done a little bit more explanation on that tons of shit to try is all. Not everything has to be annoying or hard to understand just because the game is difficult at times.
One example I can make is the first covenant you usually run into in DS2 is that Champions one in Majula. Most would take it, but of course there is very little reason not to since it doesn't tell you that it makes everything slightly harder. It sort of implies it, but doesn't tell you anything else beyond that, so most newcomers to the series would take it just because they think something will happen with it later.
If some1 doesn't understand English that'd be a good excuse but come on now, there's nothing cryptic in the messaging.
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