Aldia's Keep is a highlight area, sorry, but its one of the best levels in the game. Its one of the few levels in the entire series where how you interact with it changes how it can be played.
Which Dragon Shrine? The DX9 version does have its problems as a level but it also has very good items such as the Third Dragons Ring, and there are some hidden items such as the best staff in the game for sorcery. On the DX11 version however, its basically one big Dragon Remnant covenant and it plays like it. It becomes one of the smarter areas in the game.
Harvest Valley has side paths of items, its not a lousy level. Mediocre maybe, but not a terrible level.
Aldia's is universally regarded as one of the WORST areas of the game. Claiming its a highlight is embarrassingly gross. If by 'interaction' you mean putting in a stone to light the area, consider me unimpressed. Its just a straight line.
If you have to use the finding of an 'item' in an area as a highlight then it tells me its probably a pretty shit area (item locations don't give an area great level design). All they did was change the aggro AI of the dragon bros so they don't attack until attacked. OMG SO INNOVATIVE.
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