makes sense, since
1) most xbox gamers are just looking for shooters
2) the game before it was a PS3 exclusive
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makes sense, since
1) most xbox gamers are just looking for shooters
2) the game before it was a PS3 exclusive
Why didn't I buy this on ps3? More players for more multiplayer interaction, plus holding down left bumper all the time to block hurts me fingers. Wish I could re-map it to left trigger.WithoutGraceXII
Yea you're crazy lol. When I went to pick up my copy, they had 2 CE's left and I had to choose between 360 and PS3 and ended up going with PS3 because the community is 10x bigger on the PS3.
inb4 vgchartz....
but but but TEH xbox gamers buy moar gamez!!! TEH salez!
Was this a shooter and sales would be higher.
that's a good question.
You should have known this type of title wouldn't be as popular on the xbox360, silly you.
This type of game? What type?
Japanese style action dungeon crawler thats totally unforgiving. The PS3 already saw demon souls so it wasnt a niche game on it anymore but dark souls was teh first of its kind on the 360.
The 360 version sold more then I thought. A hardcore game with its predecessor only on PS3 is like a recipe for failure on the Xbox. I expected a total of 287 copies sold on 360.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Lol, why? do you want to see how close am I to a ban? this is pretty off topic you know?waltefmoney
I'm just curious :|. I've been suspended 5 times and I have no idea if that's a lot or not.
That's not a lot. Has been modded way more than that and is level 17 :P
They are one of the few stats providers has a research team and make effort to get the real retail #, unlike just a random journalist artcile tells you the # sold released from developers which just meant sold. so far every stats from VG chartz seem 95% correct. Says their stats are bulls obviously you are using SW "logic".
Not a shooter. 360 gamers do not want.Merex760Should we not tell you that this game was not sold in Japan on the 360....?
Maybe 360 gamers just aren't interested in spending $60 to play a game just so they can brag about how hardcorz they are?
Why didn't I buy this on ps3? More players for more multiplayer interaction, plus holding down left bumper all the time to block hurts me fingers. Wish I could re-map it to left trigger.WithoutGraceXIII got it for the PS3 and I wish I had gotten it for the 360. Every time I started the game up I had to wait for the trophy interface to load. WTF is that about?
PS3: 750,000
xbox360: 220,000
combined: 970,000
alredy close to a million SOLD so that 1.5 million shipped makes perfet sense...if you use common sense, of course. discuss.
:lol: VGcharts is your source there is nothing to discuss here...why are so obsessed with Dark souls sales incidently? Its still pretty pathetic for a multiplat game.The game is very good but the sales are hardly anything to sing about.
[QUOTE="WithoutGraceXII"]Why didn't I buy this on ps3? More players for more multiplayer interaction, plus holding down left bumper all the time to block hurts me fingers. Wish I could re-map it to left trigger.Joedgabe
that's a good question.
You should have known this type of title would be as popular on the xbox360, silly you.
Because he has friends to play with on the 360 (?) Isn't that the reason why people pick one usually over the other when they have both xbox and Ps3 ?
And this really was no surprised at all it really isn't welcomed well by the xbox players. should of seen the xbox gs forums for the game when it launched.... 95% of all the threads were xbox gamers throwing tantrums from not being able to use cross game chat, not being able to get friends from frends list, complaining about dying, lack of big arrows that show you where to go, oh and lack of gunz... (lol .. jk about the guns..had to though)Who's saying I'm immune? :|[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="balfe1990"]
There's been plenty of veteran OTers and System Warriors banned so I don't think you're immune.
To be honest I have no idea what you meant when you listed your level and posts so I assumed you meant,"well I've come this far" or something.
I think Kuraimen was poking fun at the irony of that other guy for implying that he's a troll. Though I am curious as to how saying "Yeah but PS3 gamers don't only buy those." can be considered trolling. Kuraimen did you make someone mad again? :P[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Lol, why? do you want to see how close am I to a ban? this is pretty off topic you know?Snakemaster9
I'm just curious :|. I've been suspended 5 times and I have no idea if that's a lot or not.
That's not a lot. Has been modded way more than that and is level 17 :P
Oh, okay. Thanks.
Thats pretty good numbers for the 360.
Congrats to all the 360 only players that got to play this fantastic game.
I own both consoles, and I got it for the PS3, knowing the Demon's Souls elite would be online to compete as soon as possible.
The only thing I really thought that would make the xbox version of this game less then the PS3 version (other then the online) was the bumpers. I know the layout, and I know that by the nature of the game, it is what it is... meaning r1 and l1 one the dualshock3 would be rb and lb on the 360 pad. Just the thought of that sounds like trouble.
Anyway.... Demons Souls is prolly the best game this gen... I'm glad everyone got Dark Souls.
[QUOTE="Stringerboy"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]They should have made the 360 version a FPS.kuraimen
What a lovely stereotype. You do realise that the PS3 has way more FPS's than the 360 right?
Yeah but PS3 gamers don't only buy those. lol. Funny jokes. :lol: Anyone that didn't smile doesn't have a sense of humor.[QUOTE="WithoutGraceXII"]Why didn't I buy this on ps3? More players for more multiplayer interaction, plus holding down left bumper all the time to block hurts me fingers. Wish I could re-map it to left trigger.casharmy
that's a good question.
You should have known this type of title wouldn't be as popular on the xbox360, silly you.
*laughs* because it has aything to do with this type of title and not the fact its a new ip on the 360...remind me how much did fallout and elder scrolls games sell on the ps3 compared to the 360?[QUOTE="casharmy"]
This guy is always here as if its cool. Not YOU specifically, but your role. Someone always has to say something about VG chartz. It's all we got, so i say it stands. We need a unanimous decision here.[QUOTE="casharmy"]
that's a good question.
You should have known this type of title would be as popular on the xbox360, silly you.
Because he has friends to play with on the 360 (?) Isn't that the reason why people pick one usually over the other when they have both xbox and Ps3 ?
And this really was no surprised at all it really isn't welcomed well by the xbox players. should of seen the xbox gs forums for the game when it launched.... 95% of all the threads were xbox gamers throwing tantrums from not being able to use cross game chat, not being able to get friends from frends list, complaining about dying, lack of big arrows that show you where to go, oh and lack of gunz... (lol .. jk about the guns..had to though) opposed to the rampent difficulty talks on the ps3 board when the game was released right?PS3: 750,000
xbox360: 220,000
combined: 970,000
alredy close to a million SOLD so that 1.5 million shipped makes perfet sense...if you use common sense, of course. discuss.
Congrats to From Software, fantastic developers. Now if they could only patch the framerate....
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