You forgot a . at the end of both of your sentences.
So if you're gonna correct someone you might want to learn the basics of English first ;).
A normal facepalm isn't good enough for this
HAHA oh sean you silly goose two can play this game
Seanmcloughlin the only person to be a poser and a hypocrite on Gamespot.
I still find it funny how in TLOU info thread you dissed TLOU for being "just another zombie game" yet you love/play DayZ. So ******* ironic eh? :P
Yeah because back then we knew SO much about the game and how it would play. I saw a game similar to uncharted (Still is in ways) that had zombies created by ND, everyone was assuming it would just be zombie action all round. It wasn't till later that we found out it wasn't like that and the zombies were secondary, not the focus, that I have since changed my stance on it. People can change their minds without being hypocrites you know, it's called gaining perspective. I don't even have a PS3 to play it but it still looks really good and I wish it well
Also DayZ is nothing like every other zombie game, it's a whole new type of Zombie game that the industry was crying out for and it's the type of zombie game we needed. No more hacking zombies to bits over and over again for some stupid reason.
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