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So when it's PS3 fans talking about UC3 graphics or 360 fans talking about Gears 3 graphics I suppose that's ok?
Nope, the whole thing is stupid as hell.
This guy is legit, btw. He's had his account banned a dozen times for hate speech.
Battlefield Starfox 64 HD Remastered sounds so awesome. Wii U exclusive?
This guy is legit, btw.
Oh dear lord...
I think it's fantastic those kind of people exist.:3 look at his eyes they were all serious-like.That would have been funny if he was joking but he's actually serious? oh....
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]:3 look at his eyes they were all serious-like.That would have been funny if he was joking but he's actually serious? oh....
The best video by him is his reaction to the BF3 PC alpha. It's more serious and actually brings up negative points about BF3PC that you probably haven't heard anywhere else.
I can't wait to watch that video when I get off work based on some of the comments here.
Just think of a guy who's trying to be really funny but even with video editing he looks like he doesn't know what to say sometimes so there are very awkward moments. on and also he gots the crazy eyes
:3 look at his eyes they were all serious-like.[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
That would have been funny if he was joking but he's actually serious? oh....
The best video by him is his reaction to the BF3 PC alpha. It's more serious and actually brings up negative points about BF3PC that you probably haven't heard anywhere else.
this guy has no clue what he's talking about
[QUOTE="AiurProtoss"]This is actually serious, all of his videos bash consoles. He sounds like a raging coke head.Austindro
Yeah but it's factual, ooh my.:shock:
But thats all he does is bash consoels and or idiot fanboys, I dont see the point in wasting time and energy making stupid vids like this jsut to get people upset. Nerdbaiting PC elitist is fail. He calls console gamers Welfare kiddies, so what does he have to say to me? I have a PC that is a firs gen dual core, 3 gigs of ram and an onboard geforce 6150, I can only play older PC titles, Am i a welfare gamer jsut becaseu I can afford to upgrade my PC? Am i a welfare gamer becaseu I like to play console eclusive games like fighters, Action titles, and Halo and gears? this guy is the perfect example of a **** PC elitist. THey are the most tuck up gamers in existence when any real PC gamer is level headed and go about theri own way. Idiots make P gamers look bad.
[QUOTE="AiurProtoss"]This is actually serious, all of his videos bash consoles. He sounds like a raging coke head.AiurProtoss
Yeah but it's factual, ooh my.:shock:
But thats all he does is bash consoels and or idiot fanboys, I dont see the point in wasting time and energy making stupid vids like this jsut to get people upset. Nerdbaiting PC elitist is fail.
Yeah I know, I was just quoting him. He said factual a million times in that vid.
Yeah but it's factual, ooh my.:shock:
But thats all he does is bash consoels and or idiot fanboys, I dont see the point in wasting time and energy making stupid vids like this jsut to get people upset. Nerdbaiting PC elitist is fail.
Yeah I know, I was just quoting him. He said factual a million times in that vid.
WOW!! LOL OOO i see what you did thar, lol.
There are always those highly vocal rere people in any group.
The smart thing to do is understand that those people aren't the majority and to generalize everyone as such, is wrong.
Wow, the fact that he might be serious in his idiocy and ignorance really makes me depressed for the future of the human race. That guy is an idiot, probably for the sake of views.
I barely made it past the opening... then I skipped ahead in the video...
He seems like a really annoying person irl.
You really does bring out the best of the gene pool doesn't it.
Not that i'm sticking up for YouTube....but you act as if System Wars is the pinnacle of "sophistication" and "elegance".
sounds like someone from that system wars website that was created for people that couldn't stop saying owange in every post.
You really does bring out the best of the gene pool doesn't it.
Not that i'm sticking up for YouTube....but you act as if System Wars is the pinnacle of "sophistication" and "elegance".
If people are looking for the pinnacle of sophistication and elegance... then they shouldn't be searching on the internet at all :P
I honestly didnt get a thing from the video, is he basically making fun of the console version or the PC version? lol hard to get wth he's saying
I can't wait to watch that video when I get off work based on some of the comments here.
Just think of a guy who's trying to be really funny but even with video editing he looks like he doesn't know what to say sometimes so there are very awkward moments. on and also he gots the crazy eyes
A more succinct description would be, just picture a Cow going on and on about how UC2 will never be dethroned as "console graphics king" and giving all his lame reasons why.Oh my... I think this guy needs help.
Help as in a Therapist? No way man, we can't have this guy corrupting the minds of our Therapists and Psychologists. He's incurable, and if you try to help him; you only end up joining him.
Wow, he really exposed some bad things in that video. I agree with him 100%. Campers is what COD and BF3 is about. Hopefully they significantly fix that damage. Also they need to include a Camper's Cam Perk in BOTH COD and BF to where it tells the location of a camper if they sit in a spot for over 3 minutes. This is one reason you see almost nothing but the FAMAS and AUG on COD: BO online. Submachine Guns with the power of 50 cal Machine Guns. I bet if they made the FAMAS, AUG the weakest guns for a week, that whole week, you wouldn't see ANYBODY using them. I would say the Stoner but that gun is ok because it actually IS a .50 cal MACHINE GUN and should be that strong.The best video by him is his reaction to the BF3 PC alpha. It's more serious and actually brings up negative points about BF3PC that you probably haven't heard anywhere else.
LMFAO! look at all these butthurt console kiddies who cannot accept starfox64 hd remastered graphics. Paying 60 dollars for 1 quarter if a game, too EZ
Surprise surprise, the man himself. Obvious troll is obvious.
Wow, he really exposed some bad things in that video. I agree with him 100%. Campers is what COD and BF3 is about. Hopefully they significantly fix that damage. Also they need to include a Camper's Cam Perk in BOTH COD and BF to where it tells the location of a camper if they sit in a spot for over 3 minutes. This is one reason you see almost nothing but the FAMAS and AUG on COD: BO online. Submachine Guns with the power of 50 cal Machine Guns. I bet if they made the FAMAS, AUG the weakest guns for a week, that whole week, you wouldn't see ANYBODY using them. I would say the Stoner but that gun is ok because it actually IS a .50 cal MACHINE GUN and should be that strong.[QUOTE="ActionRemix"]
The best video by him is his reaction to the BF3 PC alpha. It's more serious and actually brings up negative points about BF3PC that you probably haven't heard anywhere else.
There have been campers since Counterstiek dude, Battlefield 2 was no exception either, especially when you had some douche witha sniper rifle picking people off forma mile away, it was not fun. There were many servers I had to leave due to people camping, or waiting around for vechicles.
Wow, he really exposed some bad things in that video. I agree with him 100%. Campers is what COD and BF3 is about. Hopefully they significantly fix that damage. Also they need to include a Camper's Cam Perk in BOTH COD and BF to where it tells the location of a camper if they sit in a spot for over 3 minutes. This is one reason you see almost nothing but the FAMAS and AUG on COD: BO online. Submachine Guns with the power of 50 cal Machine Guns. I bet if they made the FAMAS, AUG the weakest guns for a week, that whole week, you wouldn't see ANYBODY using them. I would say the Stoner but that gun is ok because it actually IS a .50 cal MACHINE GUN and should be that strong.[QUOTE="nini200"]
The best video by him is his reaction to the BF3 PC alpha. It's more serious and actually brings up negative points about BF3PC that you probably haven't heard anywhere else.
There have been campers since Counterstiek dude, Battlefield 2 was no exception either, especially when you had some douche witha sniper rifle picking people off forma mile away, it was not fun. There were many servers I had to leave due to people camping, or waiting around for vechicles.
I know unfortunately. But Sniper Rifles should actually be that strong. A submachine gun should not have the same strength as a Sniper Rifle nor Heavy Machine gun. The camping isn't really the problem, its the overpowered damage scaling of the SMG's that really ruin alot of FPS multiplayer experience.[QUOTE="AiurProtoss"][QUOTE="nini200"] Wow, he really exposed some bad things in that video. I agree with him 100%. Campers is what COD and BF3 is about. Hopefully they significantly fix that damage. Also they need to include a Camper's Cam Perk in BOTH COD and BF to where it tells the location of a camper if they sit in a spot for over 3 minutes. This is one reason you see almost nothing but the FAMAS and AUG on COD: BO online. Submachine Guns with the power of 50 cal Machine Guns. I bet if they made the FAMAS, AUG the weakest guns for a week, that whole week, you wouldn't see ANYBODY using them. I would say the Stoner but that gun is ok because it actually IS a .50 cal MACHINE GUN and should be that strong.
There have been campers since Counterstiek dude, Battlefield 2 was no exception either, especially when you had some douche witha sniper rifle picking people off forma mile away, it was not fun. There were many servers I had to leave due to people camping, or waiting around for vechicles.
I know unfortunately. But Sniper Rifles should actually be that strong. A submachine gun should not have the same strength as a Sniper Rifle nor Heavy Machine gun. The camping isn't really the problem, its the overpowered damage scaling of the SMG's that really ruin alot of FPS multiplayer experience.actually a machine gun/ LMG has about the same range as a sniper rifle IRL. Hell one bullet IRL kills people so damage really isnt that big of a deal.
LMFAO! look at all these butthurt console kiddies who cannot accept starfox64 hd remastered graphics. Paying 60 dollars for 1 quarter if a game, too EZ
Most of his videos are responses to other videos. Maybe I'll get a shoutout.
How did he even find this thread? What, does he google his username? :lol:
You're doing the Lord's work, Humpy. We welfare console kiddies are just jelly of your GTX 470s in SLI.
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