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Anyone who watched the last episode of On the Spot knows that he is really enjoying the game. He said that he thinks about it 24 hours a day and can't stop playing it. I'm guessing an 8.5, at least. :)
I respect your opinion, and i dissagree with it :)[QUOTE="zarshack"]
This is KVO's kinda game it'd seem. 9.0.
It deserves lower, though. :)
i don't respect his opinions. hes the biggest lem/fakeboy in this site.
Can you proove that?I respect your opinion, and i dissagree with it :)[QUOTE="zarshack"]
This is KVO's kinda game it'd seem. 9.0.
It deserves lower, though. :)
i don't respect his opinions. hes the biggest lem/fakeboy in this site.
or they didn't like the game.Anyone who reviews Demon's Souls under 9 is a PS3 hater.
really? did you have a part in developing them? or do you just mean that you invested 300-400 dollars in one piece of plastic over another one.That's what you all were saying about Killzone 2 when the guy with the nose was reviewing it then inFAMOUSand both games Pwned lemmings...
lol if this games gets AAAE then Uncharted 2 it will be such sweet delicious pwnage.
Everyone keeps referring to the on the spot episode, but what I heard was "I have been thinking about this 24/7, but I'm not a big fan of tedious battles" or something of that sort. Also, a lot of people are (I think) trying to call me out like I'm trying to bash Demon's Souls? If so, get a job. I'm buying the DE of this game because it seems like a game that is RIGHT UP my alley. Just because I don't trust Gamespot's review crew doesn't mean I don't like Demon's Souls. Stop trying to hate on people just for the sake of hating. Demon's Souls, from what I've seen, definitely deserves a AAA+ score. But if I have learned anything over the past few years, Gamespot can be COMPLETELY unpredictable at times. Look at Ratchet and Clank future TOD. or Uncharted. or even RFOM, and Motorstorm. Then MGS4 gets a 10? I'm not complaining about MGS4, in fact, I agree. 9.5 or 10 for MGS4 sounds reasonable, it was an amazing game. By all means, KVO may very well give Demon's Souls a 9.0+. If so, then I will be HAPPILY wrong. But I'm not going to set myself up for disappointment again. But I will say instead of 7.5, maybe 8.0 - 8.5. You say anything lower than 8.5 is criminal? Well, people said the same thing about Halo Wars.0rin
He went on to say that he doesn't mind them in Demon's Souls.
The only poeple who doubt this game are the people who didn't play it (i.e. haters). The only way to rate this game under 9.0 is if you are not competent enough to grasp the basics of the game or if you are trying to rate the game based on what other incompetent players will think. (but considering the fact that GS rated NG, NGB, and NGS all AAA that excuse would seem kinda lame)
It's clear the OP did not play the game and then goes on to say that Van is a tough reviewer...therefore Demon's Soul's is likely to get A-AA on GS? Huh! What does a preson who is a hard reviewer have to do with Demon's Soul's being a great game.
In a round about way you are tring to say that Demon's Soul's is reallyNOT a great game because if the reveier is hard it will score A-AA and in that case you are WRONG!! Demon's Souls status as an AMAZING game will not change no matter what score it gets here @ GS.
publishers only. i thought everyone knew this...[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]
Is Atlus developing this?
Because if they are, then it should get AAA here.
I haven't been keeping track of the game.
The only poeple who doubt this game are the people who didn't play it (i.e. haters)playharderfool
Or maybe they're just familiar with the way GS scores games, and know that DS is just the kind of niche game they're likely to score under the average.
I like VanOrd's reviews. They're pretty well written and for the most part, whatever game he's reviewed and I've played, I agree with the pros and cons he lists. Anyway, I'll be holding off Demons Souls for the next month...damn PSP Go tore a pretty big hole in my wallet :P (I usually don't spend that much on gaming needs on one sitting).He's going have either been payed off by Microsoft or doesn't like the PS3, according to fanboys at least.
[QUOTE="Blixxed"]I like VanOrd's reviews. They're pretty well written and for the most part, whatever game he's reviewed and I've played, I agree with the pros and cons he lists. Anyway, I'll be holding off Demons Souls for the next month...damn PSP Go tore a pretty big hole in my wallet :P (I usually don't spend that much on gaming needs on one sitting). why the hell did you buy a PSPgo? o.OHe's going have either been payed off by Microsoft or doesn't like the PS3, according to fanboys at least.
who cares?
DS is awesome regardless if it gets a 9.5 or a 4.5...
EDIT* as much as I like Demon's Souls,I still prefer King's Field
[QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]Why do people keep calling it a JRPG? I thought "style" counted for more than "location". Oh dear. The education system have failed. Maybe because it's being developed by From Software. A Japanese game studio?Meh, I think it's going to be AAAe or 9.0 for the least. This is no ordinary JRPG.
publishers only. i thought everyone knew this...[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]
Is Atlus developing this?
Because if they are, then it should get AAA here.
I hope Atlus brings over that New Ps3 Wizardry game to the U.S.
Didnt read the whole thread, just wanted to say that if DS gets AAA here I will finally buy a PS3 - end of...
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]Why do people keep calling it a JRPG? I thought "styIe" counted for more than "location". Oh dear. The education system have failed. Maybe because it's being developed by From Software. A Japanese game studio?Meh, I think it's going to be AAAe or 9.0 for the least. This is no ordinary JRPG.
Your reading comprehension have failed.
The only poeple who doubt this game are the people who didn't play it (i.e. haters). The only way to rate this game under 9.0 is if you are not competent enough to grasp the basics of the game or if you are trying to rate the game based on what other incompetent players will think. (but considering the fact that GS rated NG, NGB, and NGS all AAA that excuse would seem kinda lame)
It's clear the OP did not play the game and then goes on to say that Van is a tough reviewer...therefore Demon's Soul's is likely to get A-AA on GS? Huh! What does a preson who is a hard reviewer have to do with Demon's Soul's being a great game.
In a round about way you are tring to say that Demon's Soul's is reallyNOT a great game because if the reveier is hard it will score A-AA and in that case you are WRONG!! Demon's Souls status as an AMAZING game will not change no matter what score it gets here @ GS.
did... did you not read my post one above yours? I'm hoping DS GETS A HIGH SCORE. I'm just going with GS's past inconsistencies, and tring to remain "cautiously optimistic". I have the Deluxe Edition preordered at Amazon, so before you go throwing accusations, check the facts. Wow. fanboys... I thought I was bad. say one less-than-positive thing about a POSSIBLE REVIEW of a game (not even the game proper!) and they call you a fanboy of the opposing console/cry blasphemer. LOL @ system warriors. this forum makes /v/ look good :/[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]Why do people keep calling it a JRPG? I thought "style" counted for more than "location". Oh dear. The education system have failed. Maybe because it's being developed by From Software. A Japanese game studio? No he actually has a point. Politically speaking when people refer to the West they are talking about western-influenced developed nations including places like Japan while when talking about the East they are talking about nations with little western political influence and usually not so developed. It is not a geographical division but a political one. Game-wise you could also divide games according to their particular style in western or eastern or you could do it geographically. When talking about style, DS is practically a WRPG but geographically it is a JRPG.Meh, I think it's going to be AAAe or 9.0 for the least. This is no ordinary JRPG.
I gotta admit after doing some more research on this game I think it's a first day purchase for me now. I was resistant perhaps even a little scared of it, but I kind of think I need this game.
Right about now i dont care what GS gives it, many other websites gave it AAA and many gamers here absolutly love the game, so its a defo buy from me!! :D
whatever score it gets, Its a gamespot score which only matters here, IGN scores, 1up scores matter outside of their realm gamespots really doesn't then again with a bare bones reviewing staff now, all the controversy in the past over reviews, and the staff they currently have couldn't write them selves out of a paper bag.
WRPG... JRPG... Does it REALLY matter? I just call it an RPG. If I had to choose though, I would call it a western-styled JRPG. Calling DS a WRPG is akin to calling a Honda an all-american car because it gets some of it's design ideas from american designers. Don't ask me why I always relate games to cars... I have no idea...0rin
Well, I think when you're saying "WRPG" you mean to imply "western-styled".
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]Why do people keep calling it a JRPG? I thought "style" counted for more than "location". Oh dear. The education system have failed. Maybe because it's being developed by From Software. A Japanese game studio? Nice try at ownage, except for the fact that you didn't read what I said.Meh, I think it's going to be AAAe or 9.0 for the least. This is no ordinary JRPG.
I agree its likely to get a loqw score here, they really give almost all RPG's lowscores. I mean they gave Persona PSP a 5! heck, thats probably my PSP game of the year :(
The only poeple who doubt this game are the people who didn't play it (i.e. haters). The only way to rate this game under 9.0 is if you are not competent enough to grasp the basics of the game or if you are trying to rate the game based on what other incompetent players will think. (but considering the fact that GS rated NG, NGB, and NGS all AAA that excuse would seem kinda lame)
It's clear the OP did not play the game and then goes on to say that Van is a tough reviewer...therefore Demon's Soul's is likely to get A-AA on GS? Huh! What does a preson who is a hard reviewer have to do with Demon's Soul's being a great game.
In a round about way you are tring to say that Demon's Soul's is reallyNOT a great game because if the reveier is hard it will score A-AA and in that case you are WRONG!! Demon's Souls status as an AMAZING game will not change no matter what score it gets here @ GS.
or you just don't like the game.He won't knock it for being hard. He is a ninja gaiden fan for one :? He will knock the game for being punishing. For instance he is pointed out time and time again that while NG 1 was hard, it was always extremely satisfying and rarely entered cheap territory. Where as Ninja Gaiden 2 wasn't hard, it was punishing hard and just cheap. jg4xchampWell then it has a chance to score well here. Of all the things I've read about DS being cheap is not one of them hard as hell yes cheap no.
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