[QUOTE="nippon_gamer"] http://gaming.monstersandcritics.com/ps3/news/article_1383500.php/Devil_May_Cry_4_gets_exclusive_PS3_treatment
While the opinion of certain gaming Web sites is that Devil May Cry 4 currently looks and plays better on Sony's latest console, expectant PS3 fans can also look forward to exclusive 5.1 LPCM audio support, PlayStation Network content, and - most interestingly - the ability to install game data directly onto the PlayStation 3 hard drive.
Sorry, you fail, i will go for the best textures by far on 360, as PROVEN BY PICS recently, than those "exclusives" on PS3, that mean nothing to me
Weird, the DEVELOPER of the game said they were identical. Did you have access to the code benchmarks to confim those claims? Proven by Pics makes no sense at all, they wrote the code, they know how it is.
So, Sony fans don't care about GTA IV DLC, but DMC4 DLC is suddenly a big deal? I don't get it.lowe0
They didn't get DLC, instead they got LA Noir which will be a nice side-dish after the Saints Row 2 appetizer.
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