Is there a dev that you trust enough to buy their game day-one?
Typically I don't do day-one purchases. Find it pointless, as I always wait for patches anyway. But once in a blue moon I'll go for it. Some devs, like Naughty Dog and whoever else on the Sony roster, are pretty consistent bug-wise, but since I don't really play Sony stuff much these days, or at all, really, doesn't matter to me. Off the top, there are two devs I really trust enough to buy day-one. From and Atlus. From's not spotless, but decent enough that you know shit'll be tight out the gate, or close enough to it. Atlus is close to spotless in this department. They always put out polished games at the start, the only exception that I can think of being the P3 PC port, but that was just a little misstep.
What you guys think?
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