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diablo 3 is better than 99.99% arpgs released or will be released
gamers agree
critics agree
randon whiners from DA NET who didnt even buy the game disagree.
and armchir whatever disagree(lolfanboysitelol)
besides,paying customer>random whiners anyway
People who think D2 an D3 are a like are pretty crazy.
In D2 when I frist started playing it I picked up blues an yellows an sold then 90% of them, but some where really damn good still. When I found a legendary, and I found one about every 5 mins if I was farming for them, they were almost all usfull. ( Be it for certain builds, new characters or current content)
In D3, I cannot farm anything in 5 mins, I cannot even jump in a game and reliably find a rare/yellow in 5 mins. I have found 3 legendaries in my 72 hours of play, an from what I hear thats pretty good. All 3 were worthless, they were worthless in every way, not good for certain builds, not good for current content, not good for new champs. Good gear in D3, all looks the same also Vit/Life %, STR/DEX/INT, Resist all, Life on hit/Attack speed. THERE IS NO BETTER GEAR THEN THAT PERIOD.
Life steal, + to any skill, armor, movement speed, mana regen, Any form of + resource all worthless. Cookie cutter auto attack builds for melee, and even less builds for ranged.
D2 dangled a delicious carrot( Runes, Charms, Gems, Legendaries and yellows with other classes skils on them), D3 dangles its *** in your face, and expects a kiss every 30 mins for the crap it dumps on your head.
This is just the loot( Which is 100% what the game is about, its the fun factor). If you need me to explain further you are probably a blind fanboy :(
u cant really say that if u have only played 2 games :\campzorI said I've only played two Blizzard games at launch, but I've certainly played all Blizzard games. (except for WoW expansions)
I've heard that the game isn't as good as everyone was expecting, but why is that? any particular reason?
Still plenty of lag issues. You may see you dodged an attack but nope you didn't the latency says so, enjoy yet another frustrating death.
It's intentional. We don't want a game where the most effective way to play is to dodge in and out of enemy attacks. It's not that difficult to do, and it's just not a very fun way to play. "Most effective" and "not fun" just can't be in the same sentence when describing part of the game. We want combat to be based on use of abilities, putting thought into builds, building up offensive and defensive stats, etc. Skill is absolutely a part of all of the systems you'll use, and kiting can be too, but it'd be ridiculous if you could avoid all of the systems that make the game the game because you can time dodges of enemy attacks and negate every other factor.
Also think about just running past enemies to rush through an area and never being hit. Anyone looking to rush would love it! Which is why it's not a good idea from a design perspective. :) It's not something we'll be changing.
It's designed that way. I'm awed that no one in the thread mentions it...
the DRM is currently proving to be exactly what I feared it would, at least.
You can litterally play with reasonable concern of being kicked or lagging, which I Find downright offensive.
The sheer cynicism of the product makes me regret buying it..
GS don't seem that impressed either, but staff's cynicism seems equal to the product, itself.
I said I've only played two Blizzard games at launch, but I've certainly played all Blizzard games. (except for WoW expansions) well u have to play them at launch otherwise u can only use 2 examples (and the most recent) For all u know diablo 2 had a sh!tty launch as well[QUOTE="campzor"]u cant really say that if u have only played 2 games :\Ravenshout
[QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="Ravenshout"] What is King?King is the almighty colossal 8 year reigning juggernaut of the MMO genre. What's it feel like to be brainwashed? It's the truth. WoW is the most successful MMO in history, and a game that has defined a genre. Love it or hate it, it's Blizzard's most-successful game ever and one of the best games ever made.Titan?
I think Blizzard is mainly interested in Titan right now.
MMO's can't qualify as 'one of the best games ever made' until they become fun to level in, rather than a mindnumbing grind for levels and an encyclopedia style story telling.Inconsistancy
But it is fun to level in WoW. It's the top-tier content that isn't fun (anymore.)
[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]MMO's can't qualify as 'one of the best games ever made' until they become fun to level in, rather than a mindnumbing grind for levels and an encyclopedia style story telling.ChubbyGuy40
But it is fun to level in WoW. It's the top-tier content that isn't fun (anymore.)
Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:Inconsistancy
Oh right, Outland still exists. :cry:
The new leveling content is definitely worth playing a few times. It's hardly a grind.
[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:ChubbyGuy40
Oh right, Outland still exists. :cry:
The new leveling content is definitely worth playing a few times. It's hardly a grind.
It absolutely is.... We've been collectiing 10 "X" or killing "X" mobs since vanilla.:?
I've heard that the game isn't as good as everyone was expecting, but why is that? any particular reason?
Its because of the Action house and more specificly the Real money action house.
Diablo has alwasy been about farming and most importantly ,loot.
Diablo 3 was disigned pretty much around the Ah/RMAH (so blizzard can get their cut on each rmah transaction as often as possible) and the result of that is that loot system is abysmal.There is no way to gear yourself for inferno.Its near impossable to get the loot for your class yourself.
Essentially every magic/rare/legendary item that drops has muliple random rolls that determine what stats it has, how many stats it has ,what damage it has ect ect.Its beyond random and 99% of that time you get **** items. From wizzard items with Monk stats or demon hunter items with barbarian stats to pretty much any random combination you can imagine.So you need to use the AH where milions of people put on items to get what you need.D2 was about farming gear and D3 is about farming gold... and here come in all the botters and cheaters that ruind the economy which make getting gear that much harder.Prices are insane and most peope that don't grind 12 hours a day for gold have littel to no hope of beating inferno anytime soon.
About the gear farming itself... they complicated it way too much. Diablo 2 was so addictive and fun because was very simple.You kill a boss you get loot.
Now you kill a boss you get **** You need to kill rare packs , stack nehalem valor which is incredibly time consuming tidius and frustrating because of the rare packs/champions broken affix combinations in inferno.You need to invest so much effort in one farm run and still get jack **** 9 of 10 times because of the loot system.Inferno is compleatley broken progression wise aswell.
On top of all that all the server issues and the "no offline mode".
Thats a very short and uncompleate explanation, I can write pages on why D3 sucks.
The game is a mess.
Its because of the Action house and more specificly the Real money action house.
Diablo has alwasy been about farming and most importantly ,loot.
Diablo 3 was disigned pretty much around the Ah/RMAH (so blizzard can get their cut on each rmah transaction as often as possible) and the result of that is that loot system is abysmal.There is no way to gear yourself for inferno.Its near impossable to get the loot for your class yourself.
Essentially every magic/rare/legendary item that drops has muliple random rolls that determine what stats it has, how many stats it has ,what damage it has ect ect.Its beyond random and 99% of that time you get **** items. From wizzard items with Monk stats or demon hunter items with barbarian stats to pretty much any random combination you can imagine.So you need to use the AH where milions of people put on items to get what you need.D2 was about farming gear and D3 is about farming gold... and here come in all the botters and cheaters that ruind the economy which make getting gear that much harder.Prices are insane and most peope that don't grind 12 hours a day for gold have littel to no hope of beating inferno anytime soon.
About the gear farming itself... they complicated it way too much. Diablo 2 was so addictive and fun because was very simple.You kill a boss you get loot.
Now you kill a boss you get **** You need to kill rare packs , stack nehalem valor which is incredibly time consuming tidius and frustrating because of the rare packs/champions broken affix combinations in inferno.You need to invest so much effort in one farm run and still get jack **** 9 of 10 times because of the loot system.Inferno is compleatley broken progression wise aswell.
On top of all that all the server issues and the "no offline mode".
Thats a very short and uncompleate explanation, I can write pages on why D3 sucks.
The game is a mess.
Funny how you could write pages on why Diablo 3 "sucks," but you can't find a shred of evidence to support your claims of Diablo 3 being designed around the auction house. Hell you act like Diablo 2 wasn't overrun with botters and gold/gear farmers, and not to mention cheaters since Blizzard used client-side saves back then.
Ever hear the fable of the golden goose? It lays a golden egg every day, Then the farmer and his wife get greedy and kill it thinking it would be full of gold.
It wasnt, and now they had no more golden eggs. This is what Blizzard did to Diablo 3
They ruined the game by building it around the RMAH, to gurantee they would keep making profit. (Next patch nerfs the best stat in the game, IAS, this will make sure people will go out and buy a new set of gear to remain on top)
Of course the game is losing popularity extremely fast, add to the fact there is no ladder resets, inferno is on farm for many people, no open world PVP, no custom games/lobby system, no rerolling characters for a new build, etc etc, the game is guranteed to be nearly dead in a few months.
I will not even start on all the other problems Diablo 3 has, since i would be here all day.
Diablo 2 had problems at launch, but it was still miles better than Diablo 3.
I think the standard for Blizzard games is just insanely high, if the exact same game was released by anyone else it would be considered GOTY worthy, I payed 30? for my copy and I've already put around 200 hours into it and it's been getting constant support and patches as if it were a sub based MMO.
The game is glorious imo.
I think the standard for Blizzard games is just insanely high, if the exact same game was released by anyone else it would be considered GOTY worthy, I payed 30? for my copy and I've already put around 200 hours into it and it's been getting constant support and patches as if it were a sub based MMO.
The game is glorious imo.
They had to live up to Diablo 2, which is extremely harsh... but they had 12 years
meh, the itemization killed it.
There's something about focusing too much on the "DPS" stat and getting Wands with Strength and Dexterity that bothers me.
It's still a great game, and I love it.
And have you never played WoW when a new expansion comes out? Pretty much every server is full, and it's pretty difficult to get in. I'm not saying it's acceptable or anything, but it was no shock to me that the launch was going to be rough.
Its because of the Action house and more specificly the Real money action house.
Diablo has alwasy been about farming and most importantly ,loot.
Diablo 3 was disigned pretty much around the Ah/RMAH (so blizzard can get their cut on each rmah transaction as often as possible) and the result of that is that loot system is abysmal.There is no way to gear yourself for inferno.Its near impossable to get the loot for your class yourself.
Essentially every magic/rare/legendary item that drops has muliple random rolls that determine what stats it has, how many stats it has ,what damage it has ect ect.Its beyond random and 99% of that time you get **** items. From wizzard items with Monk stats or demon hunter items with barbarian stats to pretty much any random combination you can imagine.So you need to use the AH where milions of people put on items to get what you need.D2 was about farming gear and D3 is about farming gold... and here come in all the botters and cheaters that ruind the economy which make getting gear that much harder.Prices are insane and most peope that don't grind 12 hours a day for gold have littel to no hope of beating inferno anytime soon.
About the gear farming itself... they complicated it way too much. Diablo 2 was so addictive and fun because was very simple.You kill a boss you get loot.
Now you kill a boss you get **** You need to kill rare packs , stack nehalem valor which is incredibly time consuming tidius and frustrating because of the rare packs/champions broken affix combinations in inferno.You need to invest so much effort in one farm run and still get jack **** 9 of 10 times because of the loot system.Inferno is compleatley broken progression wise aswell.
On top of all that all the server issues and the "no offline mode".
Thats a very short and uncompleate explanation, I can write pages on why D3 sucks.
The game is a mess.
Funny how you could write pages on why Diablo 3 "sucks," but you can't find a shred of evidence to support your claims of Diablo 3 being designed around the auction house. Hell you act like Diablo 2 wasn't overrun with botters and gold/gear farmers, and not to mention cheaters since Blizzard used client-side saves back then.
The constant nerfs from blizzard are really really pitiful. even legitimate methods of farming and gaining money have been whacked away at. you cannot tell me this game was not designed around the RMAH, it's painfully obvious it has been. Blizzard knew otherwise the profit they would make on d3 would be miniscule aside from the initial sales. and the funny thing is the end game content doesn't even require top tear gear that costs fortunes, it's just epeen.Ever hear the fable of the golden goose? It lays a golden egg every day, Then the farmer and his wife get greedy and kill it thinking it would be full of gold.
It wasnt, and now they had no more golden eggs. This is what Blizzard did to Diablo 3
They ruined the game by building it around the RMAH, to gurantee they would keep making profit. (Next patch nerfs the best stat in the game, IAS, this will make sure people will go out and buy a new set of gear to remain on top)
Of course the game is losing popularity extremely fast, add to the fact there is no ladder resets, inferno is on farm for many people, no open world PVP, no custom games/lobby system, no rerolling characters for a new build, etc etc, the game is guranteed to be nearly dead in a few months.
I will not even start on all the other problems Diablo 3 has, since i would be here all day.
Diablo 2 had problems at launch, but it was still miles better than Diablo 3.
Its because of the Action house and more specificly the Real money action house.
Diablo has alwasy been about farming and most importantly ,loot.
Diablo 3 was disigned pretty much around the Ah/RMAH (so blizzard can get their cut on each rmah transaction as often as possible) and the result of that is that loot system is abysmal.There is no way to gear yourself for inferno.Its near impossable to get the loot for your class yourself.
Essentially every magic/rare/legendary item that drops has muliple random rolls that determine what stats it has, how many stats it has ,what damage it has ect ect.Its beyond random and 99% of that time you get **** items. From wizzard items with Monk stats or demon hunter items with barbarian stats to pretty much any random combination you can imagine.So you need to use the AH where milions of people put on items to get what you need.D2 was about farming gear and D3 is about farming gold... and here come in all the botters and cheaters that ruind the economy which make getting gear that much harder.Prices are insane and most peope that don't grind 12 hours a day for gold have littel to no hope of beating inferno anytime soon.
About the gear farming itself... they complicated it way too much. Diablo 2 was so addictive and fun because was very simple.You kill a boss you get loot.
Now you kill a boss you get **** You need to kill rare packs , stack nehalem valor which is incredibly time consuming tidius and frustrating because of the rare packs/champions broken affix combinations in inferno.You need to invest so much effort in one farm run and still get jack **** 9 of 10 times because of the loot system.Inferno is compleatley broken progression wise aswell.
On top of all that all the server issues and the "no offline mode".
Thats a very short and uncompleate explanation, I can write pages on why D3 sucks.
The game is a mess.
Funny how you could write pages on why Diablo 3 "sucks," but you can't find a shred of evidence to support your claims of Diablo 3 being designed around the auction house. Hell you act like Diablo 2 wasn't overrun with botters and gold/gear farmers, and not to mention cheaters since Blizzard used client-side saves back then.
Exept bashiok himslef said they designed the loot system around the AH... its on us forums in blue.
Exept bashiok himslef said they designed the loot system around the AH... its on us forums in blue.
And if you paid any attention to blue posts, you see later where he clarified on what he stated.
Exept bashiok himslef said they designed the loot system around the AH... its on us forums in blue.
And if you paid any attention to blue posts, you see later where he clarified on what he stated.
I say this: It's a waste of time to argue about Diablo 3 right now, because however far you go to defend it, it's still a shaky game.Let's wait after few patches and see how the game will play.
ChubbyGuy40: Titan will be revolutionary.
I like it too, but I don't love it as of now.[QUOTE="Ravenshout"]
[QUOTE="NAPK1NS"]... I like it. Master_ShakeXXX
Just because you like something doesn't mean there aren't better things. Sc2 is a far far superior as far as Blizzard goes.
SC2 is simply SC1 with slight alterations and updated graphics.
[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:ChubbyGuy40
Oh right, Outland still exists. :cry:
The new leveling content is definitely worth playing a few times. It's hardly a grind.
Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :|[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:DarkLink77
Oh right, Outland still exists. :cry:
The new leveling content is definitely worth playing a few times. It's hardly a grind.
Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :| Titan will surpass that in terms of quality. Trust me it will.[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Oh yes, the level grind is 'so' fun. :roll:DarkLink77
Oh right, Outland still exists. :cry:
The new leveling content is definitely worth playing a few times. It's hardly a grind.
Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :| Not for its leveling, but for its endgame. I have left WoW for awhile now and strongly dislike the position it is in right now, but I still have fond memories of Season 2.Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :|DarkLink77
Leveling-wise it has the worst content there is. It introduced arenas, the scourge of WoW's PvP scene. Class balance was pitiful. End game content was the only thing Blizzard got right with TBC, aside from screwing Illidan from being the last boss of his expansion. Some of the stuff was unfair/unbalanced at the time though. Oh, and introducing daily quests even though they sucked in TBC. Although, my memory of TBC is a bit harsh since I ran with a corrupt-as-f*ck guild who screwed everybody over.
All around, WotLK is the best WoW has ever been. (inb4tehcasualization)
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :|ChubbyGuy40
Leveling-wise it has the worst content there is. It introduced arenas, the scourge of WoW's PvP scene. Class balance was pitiful. End game content was the only thing Blizzard got right with TBC, aside from screwing Illidan from being the last boss of his expansion. Some of the stuff was unfair/unbalanced at the time though. Oh, and introducing daily quests even though they sucked in TBC. Although, my memory of TBC is a bit harsh since I ran with a corrupt-as-f*ck guild who screwed everybody over.
All around, WotLK is the best WoW has ever been. (inb4tehcasualization)
Ew. Wrath sucked balls.Sale means little here, because if it matters, then SONY is crap, Nintendo and Microsoft are kings.D3 is the fastest selling PC game of all time = proof that PC gamers have awesome taste.
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Burning Crusade was the best WoW has ever been. :|DarkLink77
Leveling-wise it has the worst content there is. It introduced arenas, the scourge of WoW's PvP scene. Class balance was pitiful. End game content was the only thing Blizzard got right with TBC, aside from screwing Illidan from being the last boss of his expansion. Some of the stuff was unfair/unbalanced at the time though. Oh, and introducing daily quests even though they sucked in TBC. Although, my memory of TBC is a bit harsh since I ran with a corrupt-as-f*ck guild who screwed everybody over.
All around, WotLK is the best WoW has ever been. (inb4tehcasualization)
Ew. Wrath sucked balls. Sucked what balls? The art direction in that expansion is better than anything else in WoW except Mist Of Pandaria.Burning Crusade had good zone arts, but terrible zone design gameplay wise.
Sale means little here, because if it matters, then SONY is crap, Nintendo and Microsoft are kings.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
D3 is the fastest selling PC game of all time = proof that PC gamers have awesome taste.
Things work differently on PC. On PC it's CoD that sells like crap while amazing games like D3 flourish. The grass truely is greener on the other side!
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