[QUOTE="reaperstoll"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Territories, Odd Ball, Assault, and Juggernaut. But it doesn't stop there, virtually every aspect of the gameplay can be tweaked. TyrantDragon55
Gametypes in TS2:
- Deathmatch - self-explanatory; kill or be killed.
- Team Deathmatch - Like Deathmatch except with up to 4 teams.
- Capture the Bag - Similar to Capture the Flag except with bags.
- BagTag - There is one bag placed in the level and whoever holds it the longest wins.
- Elimination - Each player has a set number of lives and whoever is the last man standing wins.
- Shrink - A player's size depends on their ranking; for example, the person in last place would be the smallest while the person in first place would be the largest.
- Vampire - Each player is given a 'bloodlust' meter that gradually decreases unless they kill someone. When a player's bloodlust meter goes all the way down, they lose one of their lives; the last person with at least one life wins.
- Thief - When someone dies, they drop a coin, and coins must be collected in order to obtain points.
- Flame Tag - One player at the beginning of the game is set on fire and he/she passes the fire to whoever he/she touches. Whoever is on fire for the least amount of time wins.
- Virus - Like Flame Tag except once a player catches on fire, they're on fire for the rest of the game. The last person that's not on fire wins.
- Regeneration - Players' health gradually replenishes.
- Leech - Health can be replenished by hurting/killing others.
- Zones - The rate a player's team's score increases depends on the number of 'zones' you control. Whichever team has the most points at the end wins.
- Assault - One team must accomplish mission-based objectives while the other team tries to stop them.
- Gladiator - One player is designated to be the 'gladiator' at the beginning of the game and only he/she can score. Whoever kills the gladiator becomes the new gladiator.
- Monkey Assistant - The player in last place has a team of monkeys that help him/her out.
Timesplitters 2 has 125 characters, 15 maps, 26 weapons with complete music, time and scoring options.
Timesplitters FP has 150 characters, 16 maps, 35 weapons with complete music, time and scoring options.
All three games came with their own custom mapmaker with various levels of customizability varying on the game.
Please... tell me again that Halo 2 has more customizability than Timesplitters.
I told you, that's just scratching the surface. Each mode in halo has many variations, and each of those modes is highly customizable. You have slayer, and then within that game-mode you can have swords only matchs, snipers only matches, rockets only, Phantoms, pro slayer, elimination, Phantom Elimination. It doesn't stop there; you can then specify what weapon set you want on the map, whether you want the motion sensor on, bonus points, grenades, starting secondary and primary weapons (you can even go random if you want), and what vehicles you want. Or if you're really bored, you can just make your own variant. Keep in mind that's all within one game mode. Add that to Halo 2's 21 maps and you've got a game which will last you for years.
You can make custom weapon and bot sets for each map on timesplitters. Also the map builder can be an infinite timesink as you try to create and perfect a map.
A map editor is about the only thing Halo 2 lacks, and they're including it in Halo 2 vista.
and I can play with ppl across the world in timesplitters?
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