I had an xbox 360 first this gen (I got one the month after launch) 20GB model. My first game was Perfect Dark Zero (which turned out to be so-so) and I got COD 2 later (AWESOME GAME). Later on after beating the SP modes a bunch of time I ofcourse wanted to play onine, but I found out that I would have to pay in order to go online with it. I was angry but I sucked it up and for my birthday (I was in highschool at this time) I asked for a Gold subscription for one year instead of a game, I didn't want to do it but I sorta had to and I figured I would get a new game when Hanuckha/Christmas came around.
However then I realised that I would have to get a wifi adapter which at the time was 100$! I couldn't believe it but nonetheless I spent all my hard earned money that I earned over the summer from working to get it. Finally I had xbox live! And it was worth it, at first anyway. Over time I bought more games and kept renewing my xbox live account every birthday until eventually I got a PS3 (I was an adult living on my own at this point).
I was skeptical about PSN, I always bashed it in the past and called it "laggy" and that stuff. But after I played on it I was amazed! It was the SAME thing as xbox live (well aside from a few features) the only thing that bothered me about it was the slower updates, but I could live with that. Soon after my 360 got RROD and it was out of warrenty so I just said "screw it", I rebought the multiplats I wanted to for PS3 and never looked back.
This isn't to say I'm bashing Live or 360 or anything like that. I understand for some people the features of Xbox live are worth paying for, and that's fine because it's their choice. But for me I didn't care or ever really use any of those xbox live features so it wasn't worth it to me. And it's a shame because I spent ALL that money on xbox live!
But with my PS3 I get a Blu Ray player, access to a great and free online network, and alot of exclusives that I had more fun with than I ever did with Halo or Gears ect.. I got more for my money with PS3. But I don't go around bashing other systems or anything, I only have a problem when someone says xbox live or psn is "trash" or one service "destroys" the other. That's simply not true. Same goes for the systems, it's all just a prefrence.
Bottom line: both services are good and neither one is "inferior" to the other. It all comes down to perspective and prefences
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