Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a fantastic game.
The other 2? Not so much.
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From the few hours of playing GTA IV, nope. Never played MGS 4, but just based on my play of previous ones, probably not as well. Other than the story being ridiculous, the gameplay just never sits well with me.
SMG 2 is probably the only one that is close enough imo. I don't think any game really deserves a 10 since they all have problems, but that was one of the closest to being as perfect as can be imo.
MGS4 and SMG2 did, GTA IV close but not quite.
GTA V deserved a 10, but it was reviewed at a time when gamespot hates video games. Uncharted 2 is up there, but its up for debate.
@TheEroica: GTA IV and MGS4 were poor sequels to great franhicses. They didn't represent anything except how NOT to do a sequel
Lollipop Chainsaw represents the best of the gen.
That would be Dark Souls my dear
@TheEroica: GTA IV and MGS4 were poor sequels to great franhicses. They didn't represent anything except how NOT to do a sequel
My Irish friend you are correct. Apart from Metal Gear Solid being a great franchise. The first game was good, very much like a good horror movie, it got terrible sequels.
Not even.
The pinnacle this gen is and should be Dues Ex Human Revolution. That's it.
Including POS boss fights?
I seen nothing wrong with the game at all. It's darn near flawless.
Not even.
The pinnacle this gen is and should be Dues Ex Human Revolution. That's it.
Including POS boss fights?
I seen nothing wrong with the game at all. It's darn near flawless.
Yeah those bosses weren't the best. I do agree that the game was pretty awesome and had very little flaws.
Kind of wished they did more random security hacks and sneak spaces in it though. The original Deus Ex had all kinds of moments where you would hack random stuff that you wouldn't even think of hacking, and had several weird spaces to crawl through. It made it more unique than HR's hack the black things in the corners, and crawl through the same looking vents over and over again.
None of the deserved a 10,especially MGS4,but no,not even close to being the pinnacle of gaming,none of them.
MGS4 in particluar is terrible in every way.
MGS4 was the worst game I played all gen, like legitimately 75% cutscene and 25% gameplay and that's not even exaggerating things. And some of the worse writing all gen to boot.
but I would give MGSIV a 6.5
Agreed, MGS4 was a fucking waste. What people seem to not realize is that Metal Gear Solid is a series that naturally appeals to stupid people, who seem to think that having long cut scenes equate to having a well written compelling story, when MGS is the definition of a convoluted messy plot.
Kojima is by far the most overrated developer on the planet, a third rate writer who only gets off on shock value and abusing plot twist worse than M. Night Shyamalan
Personally the best games this gen were Dark Souls, New Vegas, and Sins of Solar Empire. Easily the closest to a 10 for me but.....if I had t pick between those three SMG is easily the winner. MGS4 was obviously over the top and short on the gameplay. And GTA4 still fell short on the controls and mission variety. Red Dead Redemption was easily better than it.
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are probably the only games I played that I would hang 10's on, having the benefit of hindsight.
I think you and I are in agreement. I have yet to play Dark Souls but Demon's Souls what I refer to as a masterpiece - and I don't hand out those terms lightly.
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are probably the only games I played that I would hang 10's on, having the benefit of hindsight.
I think you and I are in agreement. I have yet to play Dark Souls but Demon's Souls what I refer to as a masterpiece - and I don't hand out those terms lightly.
Yes that game was fabulous and the only game other than TLOU to exceed all my expectations of what to expect out of a game. But this thread is pathetic. I can't believe lemmings are still damage controlling MGS4 getting AAAAE.
Get over it lems and stop trying to move goal posts and cry because xbox360 was the only console to not receive a AAAAE title last gen and you want to make yourself feel better. Your retroactive opinion don't matter on the AAAAEs. it's the same as trying to dispute AAAes like ODST but I don't see you going there because lems act like it's a holy undisputed fact when xbox games get an AAA score on GS...even they fail to be AAA on MC.
Just stop
i havent really played super mario galaxy. But i've played GTA 4 and MGS4 and they were bad games, at best I would rate them 6 or less out of 10, and thats being generous.
Its scores like that which show you to look at others opinions and not just those from 'professional review sites'. these guys are usually pressured to give a high review to please the majority or keep their jobs. i remember gamespot fired jeff gerstmann for the kane lynch review. he gave a bad game, a bad review which it deserved and was fired for it cause the advertisers didnt like it. Ever since then gamespots been trying to recover its creditability back... which they will never
TLOU was robbed of a 10 here.
It doesn't deserve one. I love the game too but it's not a 10. Far too inconsistent with it's pacing and enemy encounters
SMG2 deserves its 10/10 and then some. Fantastic gameplay, amazing level design, great pacing, and a great ost to go along with it. Not to mention the beautiful art design.There are probably 10-15 minutes total that doesn't measure up to the rest of the game, those being the 4 or so levels using motion controls. Otherwise the game is flawless.
GTA 4 though? Nah, I don't see how this game can be held in such high regard. I enjoyed it, but man was that game flawed. Terrible, terrible on foot controls and poor mission structure are its biggest problems, though there are plenty of other problems that plague this game.
As for MSG 4, I never played it.
Out of those?
Super mario galaxy 2 earned the 10, and yes it represents this gen. Which is iroic since the usual drool in here did not Count the Wii at all.
MGS5 did not earn the 10 it got, but was not far from, a 9 would have been better overall.
GTA4... No... just NO! The game awed people with Visuals, but broken story (how does Nico comes off as ranting against violence and such, yet the game has no posability of mirror such thoughts. Notto mention broken systems and ingame logic. It looked good, people drooled, and the Whole"It is gta!" thing which is sickening, the game got a pass due to name and developer.
Now games that should have represented the gen (these are not the only games that should, but some of the more impactful I would argue, shaping the gen, and changing how we thought about the gen, none are worthy of a 10, but more then a few are pretty close. Ofcourse eventhough I try to be objective, my PoV is tainted by personal opinion. but these I feel are some of the highlights we will remember looking back, shaping our perception of the 7th Gen, be they new outings, or happy reunions with past series that the gen did Justice and brought new life into (that the fans of said series overall liked) ).
Fallout 3 (or Oblivion or Skyrim, pick your poison)
Uncharted 2
Mass Effect 2
Dead Space
CoD 4
Demon's souls
The Walking dead (telltales game not the other one)
X-Com: Enemy Unknown
The WItcher 1
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Batman: Arkham Asylum (yes not arkham city, Asylum had the bigger impact)
Company of Heroes
To the moon
Civ 5
Street Fighter 4
Mortal Kombat
Assassins Creed 2
Overall by the 3 10's and these games + thier respective ratings, I think that Gamespots reviews were relatively close, not perfect, but close.
Gta4 - Mgs4 - Super Mario Galaxy 2... All 10/10 prime on the only site that matters to our metagame...
The question is, when you think across gen 7 in its entirety, did thesE games represent the pinnacle of gaming to you?
If not... Which do. Remember objective thought please.
That casuals have taken over the industry ?
I remember the days where everyone was talking about games like Baldur Gate, Ultima etc, now it is all flash, quick time event, repeatitve gameplay and fast satisfaction.
These games would all be 1/10 in oder days, same for Uncharted 1-2-3
MGS4 and FF13 are hands down the worst (by a billion miles) games i have played last gen
Especially in MGS4 i could not undertstand how people actually even played this crap, one of the worst games of all time easilly
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