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Did it deserve it's praise when first released, it did. Does it deserve it's god like nostalgia status it has nowadays... not really but then again neither do most games including the extremely overpraised F.E.A.R you mentioned in your post.
Anyone who says otherwise clearly has no clue whatsoever about great game design and imo also doesn't have very good taste when it comes to deciding what is or is not a great game.
I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.SworshSoosh
I can't tell if your trolling because you just said Half Life 2 has better AI then Halo. Half Life 2 has some of the worse AI I have ever seen. All the enemies are bullet sponges hardly move when under attack. Halo does have bad friendly AI but the enemy AI is really smart...I also love how you say anybody who disagrees with you is a fanboy when several of your points are just wrong. No argument they are just wrong. Maybe it was slightly overrated but most of your post sounds like you are describing another game.
It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. SworshSooshI went ahead and stopped reading there.
Yes it deserved it's critical acclaim for paving the way for console FPS. Saying Half-Life 2 has better AI is laughable because all they do is stand still or charge you recklessly.
Edit: I'd also like to point out that halo 1 basically invented recharging health.
Did Halo: Combat Evolved deserve the critical acclaim it got?SworshSooshMost people don't know the press cuts deals to get hands on stuff, i mean its been like that since the 90's. Recently you got Jeff Gerstmann fired from gamespot because he "underrated" Kane & Lynch after the publisher put so much money on ads on GS. Thats just so you see how this industry works, and since back in 2001 MS was trying to get in the market and sell the Xbox... Well you do the math. I'll probably gonna get crucified for insinuating that, but honestly Halo: CE compared with other games at the time... Just does look THAT good. I mean i heard it all the time how great the story is, gimme a quote or youtube video with something remarkable to prove me wrong. Worst part is it didn't got any better over the years IMO.
Heh, I see what you did there. Not bad.Skittles_McGeeYeah I just realized that this must be a joke thread.
[QUOTE="SworshSoosh"]Did Halo: Combat Evolved deserve the critical acclaim it got?Kane04Most people don't know the press cuts deals to get hands on stuff, i mean its been like that since the 90's. Recently you got Jeff Gerstmann fired from gamespot because he "underrated" Kane & Lynch after the publisher put so much money on ads on GS. Thats just so you see how this industry works, and since back in 2001 MS was trying to get in the market and sell the Xbox... Well you do the math. I'll probably gonna get crucified for insinuating that, but honestly Halo: CE compared with other games at the time... Just does look THAT good. I mean i heard it all the time how great the story is, gimme a quote or youtube video with something remarkable to prove me wrong. Worst part is it didn't got any better over the years IMO.
do you consider Jeff Gerstmann a model reviewer for doing what he did? defying hype? paid hype?
Most people don't know the press cuts deals to get hands on stuff, i mean its been like that since the 90's. Recently you got Jeff Gerstmann fired from gamespot because he "underrated" Kane & Lynch after the publisher put so much money on ads on GS. Thats just so you see how this industry works, and since back in 2001 MS was trying to get in the market and sell the Xbox... Well you do the math. I'll probably gonna get crucified for insinuating that, but honestly Halo: CE compared with other games at the time... Just does look THAT good. I mean i heard it all the time how great the story is, gimme a quote or youtube video with something remarkable to prove me wrong. Worst part is it didn't got any better over the years IMO.[QUOTE="Kane04"][QUOTE="SworshSoosh"]Did Halo: Combat Evolved deserve the critical acclaim it got?HavocV3
do you consider Jeff Gerstmann a model reviewer for doing what he did? defying hype? paid hype?
GS policy: all reviews are vetted by the entire team When the review came out he was the only one that got fired, why?AI is terrible, unlike Half Life 2?AAllxxjjnn
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]AI is terrible, unlike Half Life 2?StealthSting
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
Wait til you play it again on higher difficulty levels, the A.I. doesn't become smarter, they become cheaper. They can peck at your howl from a mile away, even with the crappiest of a weapon. They also constantly spam grenades at you. Unlike, say the Modern Warfare series, where the A.I. become smarter and not cheap at higher difficulty levels[QUOTE="StealthSting"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]AI is terrible, unlike Half Life 2?SworshSoosh
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
Wait til you play it again on higher difficulty levels, the A.I. doesn't become smarter, they become cheaper. They can peck at your howl from a mile away, even with the crappiest of a weapon. They also constantly spam grenades at you. Unlike, say the Modern Warfare series, where the A.I. become smarter and not cheap at higher difficulty levelsI have no idea, I haven't played the first Halo in a long time. But I do remember being surprised at times with the AI. Then again I'm probably one of the last people on the planet you should hear when talking about the Halo series... hell, I only got to finish Combat Evolved--still have to remedy that.
I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.SworshSoosh
Nice thread and decend points but you lost somerespect from me from that sentence highlighted in blue, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.SworshSooshYou lost any credibility you had when you said that anyone that disagree with you a blind fanboy.
[QUOTE="StealthSting"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]AI is terrible, unlike Half Life 2?SworshSoosh
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
Wait til you play it again on higher difficulty levels, the A.I. doesn't become smarter, they become cheaper. They can peck at your howl from a mile away, even with the crappiest of a weapon. They also constantly spam grenades at you. Unlike, say the Modern Warfare series, where the A.I. become smarter and not cheap at higher difficulty levelsHeh, I see what you did there :P
I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.SworshSoosh
Wait til you play it again on higher difficulty levels, the A.I. doesn't become smarter, they become cheaper. They can peck at your howl from a mile away, even with the crappiest of a weapon. They also constantly spam grenades at you. Unlike, say the Modern Warfare series, where the A.I. become smarter and not cheap at higher difficulty levels[QUOTE="SworshSoosh"][QUOTE="StealthSting"]
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
Heh, I see what you did there :P
Yeah, I didn't approach the argument centered on Modern Warfare because I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not with the Halo example XD... after all, I hardly remember which difficulty level I played Halo to begin with...
Did Combat Evolved start with a fixed difficulty level? I can't remember...
I agree that it did not.
Level design was rubbish (with the exception of the Silent Cartographer) and usually recycled room after room. Fighting the flood was boring as hell which was what you did for the last half of the game. Enemies were recycled over and over again with barely any memorable firefights. Multiplayer was an unbalanced mess where all the players hogged the Scorpion tanks and spawn camp and weaponry like the assault rifle and shotgun were useless due to the pistol.
No, the Halo franchise doesn't deserve the critical acclaim it gets. Microsoft overhypes and critics deliver but the games are pretty generic in the end, they definitely don't deserve these scores for shallow characters, story and pretty casual gameplay. It is not a coincidence that the two FPS from the most greedy companies in the business (Microsoft and Activision) get so much praise everytime they copy/paste the game. To much money involved.
Halo: CE 9.7
Halo 2 9.4
Halo 3 9.5
Halo ODST 9
Halo Reach 9.5
It is ridiculous. The most overrated franchise to ever grace gaming.
I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.SworshSooshWell I at least agree on something you said.
Well, this thread doesn't seem like it.XDAnd to top it all off, someone on the front page is still talking about Jeff Gertsmann like he was fired yesterday. :lol:[QUOTE="FastEddie2121"]...Halo vs FEAR vs HL thread.....we are still in 2010, right??mitu123
Can't tell if your serious...terrible AI unlike Half Life? Critics gave into the hype? was the first game in the series there was no hype. MGS has Oscar Worthy storylines? It has a nice story, but Oscar worthy I think not. As someone who enjoys film and is usually a bit more critical than the average person I can safely say MGS does not have an Oscar worthy storyline. It doesn't even come close to movies such as Gladiator or Avatar (which were Academy Award winner and nominee respectively)and both of those movies had very weak plotlines for Oscar movies and really shouldn't have been in the running.
[QUOTE="StealthSting"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]AI is terrible, unlike Half Life 2?SworshSoosh
The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell(unlike say F.E.A.R.)?
Now I don't know if the Fear fans are about to rip me a new one, but come on now...
Switch both of those examples TC and you're good. That said, I don't see what's so horrible about Halo's AI... I actually found it pretty good at times...
Wait til you play it again on higher difficulty levels, the A.I. doesn't become smarter, they become cheaper. They can peck at your howl from a mile away, even with the crappiest of a weapon. They also constantly spam grenades at you. Unlike, say the Modern Warfare series, where the A.I. become smarter and not cheap at higher difficulty levelsThe enemy ai in MW does not become smart, they just sit there waiting for you to come into a room and shoot at you with pin point accuracy.Well I at least agree on something you said.Thathas to bethe ****iest music choice for a MGS montage EVER. :|[QUOTE="SworshSoosh"]I say no, it's a decent game, but it's not the best game ever. It didn't do anything new, and it was nothing special. The level design and enemy types are repetitive as all hell (Unlike say F.E.A.R.). It's not very challenging and the A.I. is terrible, unlike Half-Life 2. Critics ignored the flaws, gave into the hype by giving it high scores. There are better shooters out there. It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them. It even ripped-off a lot of elements from the excellent Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with me is a blind fanboy, who hasn't played very many games or first-person shooters before Halo to know what a good game is. I'd rather play the MGS series, which have deep gameplay, three dimensional characters, and oscar-worthy storylines.hd5870corei7
It was no where near as good as GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark, the controls are clunky compared to them.SworshSoosh
You're seriously saying this? No lying? A game where you move and shoot with the same hand and all but two face buttons are useless?
This is surprising to me that you'd rather have that over dual analog controls.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Best post in this thread! Halo is casual shooter! Unlike amazing shooters like the Modern Warfare series, Killzone 2, GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, the TimeSplitters series, and Red Faction. Whoever disagrees with this person, is a blind fanboy. Unlike MGS fans, who have good taste and high standards in game design and cinematic storytelling.He calls Halo "casual" and then lists MW. :roll:No, the Halo franchise doesn't deserve the critical acclaim it gets. Microsoft overhypes and critics deliver but the games are pretty generic in the end, they definitely don't deserve these scores for shallow characters, story and pretty casual gameplay. It is not a coincidence that the two FPS from the most greedy companies in the business (Microsoft and Activision) get so much praise everytime they copy/paste the game. To much money involved.
Halo: CE 9.7
Halo 2 9.4
Halo 3 9.5
Halo ODST 9
Halo Reach 9.5
It is ridiculous. The most overrated franchise to ever grace gaming.
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