@Juub1990 said:
@cainetao11 said:
@Juub1990: How is it dry season when Halo Wars 2 comes out on Tuesday? I know for purpose of SW it got a 6/10, but its a solid 81/100 on meta. Some people are liking it.
And getting 3rd party exclusive support from japan does factor in. Platinum flat out said, the X1 doesn't sell well in Japan so it doesn't make sense to support it for them with Nier even though the first one was on 360. And many other Japanese made games are on X1, like RE7 most recently. What do you expect MS to do? Go and force Japanese or western devs to make exclusives for them? It cant be helped.
Appreciation is completely subjective. You may not appreciate Halo Wars 2 but I sure am. Sales? But sales numbers don't matter, remember? You said so in regards to VR. They are still providing a product that the other is not, like a console RTS.
Impact? Why does that matter to me? As long as I feel the impact of what I buy.
This notification just came. http://www.gamespot.com/videos/xbox-one-exclusives-confirmed-for-2017/2300-6437230/
Yeah and that's one game. Last big game that came out was Gears of War in October. It's been practically 4 months with nothing of note. I don't doubt it's good. I don't take the reviews of the idiots here in account.
The point I made was that Sony was firing on all cylinders and they are. I understand why Japanese games aren't coming out for the X1 but that's simply a plus for the PS4 and a minus for the X1. Consumers couldn't care less about the reasons games aren't coming out, they just want the games and PS4 provides just that. If PS4 is releasing games in droves like that, Microsoft shouldn't just sit idly by while Sony is racking up the dough. They should provide an alternative to their customers and they aren't.
Individual appreciation is but general appreciation isn't(unless the games are so close it's a toss up). Gears of War was praised far more than Gears of War 4 and generated more sales. Can you honestly say Gears of War 4 is more appreciated than 2 or 3? It had far less sales, less influence and won less awards. Yes it sucks that reviewers are clueless but 10 years from now when people make greatest games of all time lists, Gears of War will be there probably as a top tier game. Gears of War 4 likely won't unless the perspective changes a lot. Sales don't matter in the context of VR but if you said VR is the "biggest" or "greatest" Sony product, sales would matter. Phil Spencer said Greatest or Biggest line up, can't remember exactly. Greatness implies impact, it implies magnitude, influence. To have the greatest line up you absolutely need sales, critical praise and impact none of which seem to be happening with the latest Microsoft offerings.
Not even saying they aren't good to great games. Forza Horizon 3 seems to be the best racer this gen and Sunset Overdrive legit seems to be tons of fun but they cannot be in any shape or form be considered greater than the likes of Mass Effect, Gears of War, Halo 3, Fable 2 etc.
I am not talking about you or I cainetao. I am talking about the industry and the mass market's general appreciation and adoption of these games. I honestly thought Microsoft would set the world on fire in 2016.
It's quite obvious a lot these threads came into existence lately because of horizon zero dawn and the new zelda. Nioh plays a part in it into , allthough to a lesser extent, since it's a nich(ier) crowd.
Games like horizon zero dawn are not the games that drive the business anymore like they used too. There not enough fresh ip's and a lot of ideas have already been milked. I mean if gamers have to wait for these titles they would be bored. While gaming has become mainstream last gen, a lot of that mainstream crowd has become interested in specific genres and those games are mostly multplayer oriented.
I mean there was so much talk about uncharted 4, but is it that, as a gamer what you're waiting for? IF these are your type of games you don't have much choice to have several different platforms, since you would be bored to death if you only had a playstation. There's a reason in 2015 the playstation was called the bloodbornestation. How long will horizon keep people interested? I doubt it will take as much of my time as it does with fifa ultimate team, which has exclusive content for the xbox , as I already told you several times. Or magic duels, which may be on the pc, it's not on the ps4. That game get's updated with new content every 3 months and I play this stuff a lot.
I could talk to you about my friend that plays car games all the time, or about backward compatiblity, the (timed) exclusives. Microsoft has never had as much game studios as sony had but they do invest money in exclusivity deals. They invest in the r&d , servers and network performance. They might not have that many own ip's, but let's face it. Is sony breaking a lot of new ground with their ip's? When I think about groundbreaking games I think about halflife 1 & 2, gta 3, crysis, oblivion. Yet it is the levelling in the games like call of duty, fifa ultimate team, world of warcraft and league of legends that cater the most gamers.
I don't think horizon zero dawn is going to be a groundbreaking game, it do think it will be a masterpiece though or at least a very good game but we got good games all the time last gen. Yet devs still concentrate on multiplayer as much as they can, because they know it sells better and that's something a lot of people on this forum don't realize.
The ps4 never got this successfull because of their ip's, it's because of the power under the hood, the scorpio is going to be a real eye opener and don't start about the pc, most console players don't care about pc's.
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