Actually, Socom 4 didn't flop, just making sure SW remembers that crazy week of arguing and thread linking which proved the case for SOCOM 4. :P
Flop game is a flop Solid! :P
Nah, it met the hype of A, so not a flop. It doesn't help the case of PS3's so-called dominance though.
It does when you consider that yes, it may just be an AE... but that's more than the 360 has had this year, and PS3's had that, plus 4 or 5 AAEs plus a AAAE, all in the first 4 months or so, AND like half or more of the the big multiplats have been better on PS3 (not better in a lame "it has two extra pixels that you can't even see" kind of way, but better in a "have a free game with that, have some Steamworks integration, have exclusive free content, etc" kind of way).If we're counting exclusives that have been AA or higher, the PS3 has had:
LittleBigPlanet 2
Yakuza 4
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Killzone 3
I don't really count A games. Truthfully I don't count by system either, I count by genre, all things considered. I'm a nutter like that. I have a thread in one of my unions where I'm updating this by genre as I don't really care for system specific games since I have multi systems available to me.
But Socom 4 may be an AE, but it doesn't really help the PS3. This was supposed to be a year of dominance so far. Just because the 360 hasn't had an exclusive release yet doesn't mean Socom 4 is really helping out in the quality line. Granted, this is just my opinion, but it really looks like people expected something worse than the previous Socom games which were generally very well-recieved in order to make room for this game as an A. In terms of quality I don't think Socom 4 helps the PS3 much. It would be one thing if it was just some out of nowhere game that ended up as an AE, but really, Socom took quite a dip. Sure, scorewise for SW posters to keep count it may help, but as far as Sony's quality is concerned it may as well have not existed based on the legacy of the older games (8.9, 8.5, 8.9 respectively for the first three).
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