@blackace said:
The devs just ported the game over from the PS4 and used absolutely NONE of the XB1 power or tools. It's pretty obviously by reading DF article. This is pretty much the same thing that was done with MGS: Ground Zero. Just ported, without using any of the XB1 tools or optimizations. It's obvious that Konami's XBox One version was an afterthought and they didn't want to spend the funds to develope the game from the ground up on the hardware.
The games and the developers are a joke. I've pretty much gave up on Konami after the MGS:GZ fiasco. I have no plans on buying any of Kojima's games anymore.
Were the fu** DF say it was ported from PS4.?
The freaking xbox one has problem with deferred render games even more if they pact many effects,ESRAM is to small that is it period,not all engines are suitable for the XBO.
PES has the same score as Fifa and Konami is ok after all the game is running lock at 60FPS in 1080p on PS4.
@b4x said:
Go feed your horseshit to someone else. You have been making excuses for Konami since MGS2 on the OG Xbox.
There is to much evidence now. Look at the game, then look at other Sports games that are 1080p 60fps.
Here's the hole in your argument. If this isn't intentional.. why wouldn't they tweak their deferred rendering instead of using it as an excuse to gimp games on other platforms.
The real question here is why they wrote an engine they knew would struggle on a platform they had devkits for while they were writing it.
They either fucking Suck.. or it's intentional. Pick one.
You are the one making excuses and calling conspiracy theories on why the game is 720p ass.
MSG2 on PS2 took advantage of the PS2 hardware you idiot,it uses transparent polygons in a way the xbox can't that combined with a superior filrate and you have 2 things against the xbox,MS could not even get 360 Halo running smooth at 60FPS on the XBO and Halo 2 is not even 1080p stop your sorry ass crying is not as easy as it look porting something even to a stronger hardware.
Hell MGS2 has few places where it fall behind the PS2 very few one is the start of the game in the rain because it uses the PS2 strength in 1 area,hell the xbox version has less jaggies.
Bullshit UFC is 900p 30FPS on both platforms man,not all sport games are 1080p 60FPS.
But but but how can that be UFC with 2 character on screen is 900p and fifa with a ton of players bigger open space is 1080p,maybe now you will get that now all games are the same or run on the same engine..
You can't tweak DR what the fu** man,if the game uses forward rendering it would run higher res and who knows if 1080p,but is not the engine it self uses DR that would require Konami to actually re make their engine to fit the xbox one shit ass ESRAM problems..
Is not the first freaking game to be 720p,and 900p games are by the truckload still.
Stop your damage control is not Konami fault that MS build a shit ass console to cut corners and fit Kinect..
Your meltdown as always is epic Blackace..
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