@dynamitecop said:
@Zero_epyon said:
@dynamitecop said:
@Zero_epyon said:
So what have you observed? That I have a life outside of the forums and don't sit at my computer 24/7 to argue about video games? Good job then...
You're generally always the first person to post these, you generally only post PlayStation 4 DF analysis' in a positive light when things are smooth, and generally post Xbox One analysis' in a negative light when there are problems.
You do mix things up a bit, however you have a tell so to speak of exactly what you're doing, you post positive Xbox and negative PlayStation videos sparsely to maintain the facade and appearance of you not holding a bias when you in fact do have one. You have a record of predominantly posting these videos exactly as I stated above in the first line, predominantly enough to where people are noticing that this is a negative video for the PlayStation 4 Pro, and that you didn't post it, noticeable enough to imply you purposely ignored it.
We're just calling things as we see them, and given where we are, no matter what you say in reply I'm going to believe the above because it absolutely fits the narrative of what people like you do around here.
SolidTy 2.0.
Can you bring up some examples?
No, because I didn't care enough to remember, but I cared enough to notice it taking place, as did others it would appear. If someone else feels the need to dig through your thousands of posts then more power to them, like I said, it's an observation.
Figured you wouldn't so I went ahead and did it for you (once again). And I like how you say others, like it's so many of you, but it seems to be just you and mat.
"12 GB of GDDR5? HBM? Single chip? Can it do 4K? Will 4K be upscaled and not native?" That video barely had any comments too, where were you guys at?
"720p and drops below 50 FPS?" "SW stuff aside, it actually sucks that dice couldn't do anything to that engine to make it at least 900p. Like the video says, they had two years with both boxes and it's the same story."
"It's apparently a good looking game, but that comes at performance cost. Didn't know they were using Shadowfall's engine."
"Of course, they're only measuring cutscenes, which stress the GPU. It shouldn't be surprising that we see harder frame drops on the Xbox One vs the PS4." "I agree. They really need to give these devs more time. I'm sure if they were spaced out like the earlier AC's they would be able to get things running better. This feels like a downgrade, even if the game is running slightly better."
"The game is an almost consistent 30 FPS. Still has pacing issues, but overall stable."
"Looks like they did a good job with it overall. Too bad for no MP though. Skipping this one though, as I've already played all three."
"Performance greatly improves, but still drops occasionally."
http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/star-wars-battlefront-beta-is-900p-on-ps4-720p-on--32669669/ -
Hey look I was late to post one!
"TrainWreck" because it was a mess on PC. Even Kvally was disapointed about it.
"Definitely some sacrifices made. But it seems to have paid of in order to get the 60 FPS."
"Pick your poison when playing Fallout 4 on consoles. PS4 sucks at gunfights (down to 15 fps big fights) or Xbox One's stutter glitch and over all frame dips while exploring. This is just a bad engine that needs serious fixing in terms of performance."
"PS4 dips a bit, but Xbox One dips further with tearing. Playing the same race more than once performs differently each time."
EDIT: Forgot one:
"99% parity achieved. PS4/XBO is 1080p/60fps PS4 tears a bit when crashing while Xbox One drops some frames. Happens rarely. Texture streaming slightly better on PS4"
So can you point out that bias now? Maybe, just maybe, I'm paraphrasing DF for people who can't watch the video so they can have a discussion? And if you look at DF's videos, they all have negative things to say about every game on every system, which I point out as well. You're observation skills need work.
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