It's pretty impressive. Doesn't beat Uncharted 2 though, just matches it. Effects, shadows and lighting ect. look better than what we've seen in UC2, but the AA and performance are lacking. It's clear that there's nothing left in the consoles.
Not that Uncharted 3 will either, The only developer who will squeeze more (But not much more) out of the consoles are id, and probably ICO and Sony Santa monica.
But I'm fine that the consoles are tapped, because all these games look really great.
I dont see how you can say it only looks "as good" as U2... not saying it in a condecending way, just a how can you really tell given both games are different. Personally I think the 360 could run U2 just as nice a ps3 and vice versa with gears and ps3, but I can get into the which is better looking, an apple or an orange debate.Because the textures and models are up to par with what we've seen in UC2. I'm not simply looking at the art for comparsions, but the tech. Gears has more advanced effects, lighting and shadows, but at the price of performance and AA. A simple case of "to get this, I have to take away that." Consoles are tapped.
Yes, it could. Not sure what that has to do with what I said though.
I think we all know what happens when we go beyond what the consoles can offer... We get Crysis 2 framerates and resolution.
High End consoleExclusives are more about what you can optimize and push rather than just brute force like what Crytek seems to like to dish out.
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