@with_teeth26 said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:
@MirkoS77: what I've found is starting off in the 60's era of cars...they aren't 4WD.
You don't have to go really fast to earn good cash. You can go an average of 55mph and come in 3rd if you keep your race clean.
Then gradually move up.
I'm sure it's 10x easier with the 4WD cars.
yea this is important to realize, its generally good enough to drive consistently but not win stages and end up in the top 3 with your cumulative time. Top 3 is good enough to progress to the next championship tier.
I'm up to the second hardest Rally championship tier and I've probably won like 5 stages (and at the level I'm at, a championship has 6 events with 10 stages each I believe)
Also, cars get upgraded over time just by driving them, and your opponents won't get better so it gets easier to place well the longer you use the same car (though you probably won't want to play through the entire game with a 60's or 70's vehicle). I've been using a fully upgraded 1995 Subaru Empreza (Impreza?) for the tougher championships
You should just focus on winning experience and credits since getting first is just for those that can truly master the game or simply get a little lucky in a run.
The way the difficulty in this game works is that the fastest AI is always the same on Open all the way to Master. The only thing the changes is the amount of stages and the times of the 2nd fastest AI downwards. So basically on Open the 2nd fastest AI will be, for example, like around a minute(maybe even more) below the time of the fastest AI and in Master it will only be a few seconds.
I have reached the Masters Championship with like around 10 stage wins and only one Rally win, and while I did manage in my first try to advance in Open, Clubman and unexpectedly Elite I did hit a wall with Professional which I had to repeat like five times. So that is a ridiculously low winning percentage for the amount of rallies and events I have competed in. It's also important to note that I played with the cars in category order so I started with a 60's one then on the next championship I jumped to a 70's one and so on. I suppose that if you stick with one you will get even better.
Also now that I mentioned credits does anyone know if v.1.1 on PC finally fixes the zero credits for repairs bug? Haven't played in a while. Tried to see on Steam Forums but I just saw people complaining about some bug that blurs the textures of the car with this new version and didn't saw anything on the patch notes, yet I don't know how many patches there have been since the last time I played, I think it was v.1.03.
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